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  1. Summer Health Advice - how to protect yourself

    live alone to make sure they’re not having difficulties in the heat. As we get older our bodies are less efficient at regulating our temperature If they're feeling unwell but the problem is not a medical

  2. What matters to you.pdf

    ___________________ _________________________________________________________________________ C3. Are you currently looking for paid work? e Yes e No e Not relevant C3.a. If yes, how long have you been ... ______ _________________________________________________________________________ 6 D. Finance D1. Are you confident that you’ll have enough money to live on this year? e Yes e No D1.a. Please tell us more

  3. Age Cymru - Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    hasesu gan ofal cymdeithasol ar gyfer eu hanghenion, yn ogystal ag oedi wrth ddod o hyd i becynnau gofal ar ôl cwblhau asesiad. Mae'r oedi hwn yn cael effaith andwyol sylweddol ar yr unigolion hynny sy'n aros ... i bobl hyn ledled Cymru • Cynlluniau'r awdurdodau lleol ar gyfer adfer y gwasanaeth gofal • Y cymorth sydd ar gael i bobl hŷn sy'n aros am ofal ar hyn o bryd • Beth allai Age Cymru a'r trydydd sector ei

  4. What matters to you.docx

    ro Yes–Iplantocomeoutofretirement back to paid workC2.a. Please tell us moreo Noo NotrelevantC3. Are you currently looking for paid work?o Yeso Noo NotrelevantC3.a. If yes, how long have you been looking ... because of your age?o Yeso NoC4.a. Please tell us more, and what impact this had on you?Finance D1. Are you confident that you’ll have enough money to live on this year?o Yeso NoD1.a. Please tell us moreD2

  5. Muscular strength and endurance.pdf

    and out of chairs.  Stand in front of a chair  Push bottom back and bend the knees as if you are going to sit down  Keep the spine and head long and chest lifted  Touch the chair lightly then

  6. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    self-care activities such as eating or washing, which are widely-used to measure either disability or social care needs. The following activities are classified as ADL:  Having a bath or a shower  Dressing ... included are:  Washing and drying your whole body  Using the toilet  Dressing and undressing by yourself  Eating a meal that has been prepared to you  Preparing meals These activities are the most

  7. Age Cymru IPA Appropriate Individual Booklet_W FINAL 12.3.20.pdf

    proffesiynol, comisiynwyr, darparwyr, eiriolwyr, gofalwyr a dinasyddion eu hystyried. Asesu'r angen ar gyfer eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol Mae Pennod 8 y Cod yn nodi bod eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol ... â'r asesiad o angen am eiriolaeth broffesiynol annibynnol ar gyfer oedolion dan y Ddeddf. Mae'n nodi: Mae’n rhaid i awdurdodau lleol drefnu IPA ar gyfer person nad yw’n gallu goresgyn y rhwystr(au) i gymryd

  8. Cookies

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  9. RB_June16_Age_UK_Excess_Winter_Deaths_Briefing.pdf

    older people have died from the cold –1 older person every 7 minutes and at the root of this problem are cold, poorly insulated homes. The issue Facts and figures Winter deaths  2.5 million avoidable ... nearly £900 million (which equates to an average of £370 per household) Energy efficiency  There are 6 million low income homes in the UK with an energy efficiency of Band D or lower, but only 1.8 million

  10. Independent Professional Advocacy CYMRAEG - March 2020.pdf

    neu ffurf arall o eiriolaeth (megis cyfoed, dinesydd, gwirfoddolwr neu eiriolaeth ffurfiol) briodol ar gael. Mae’r daflen hon yn esbonio’r termau allweddol hyn i gynorthwyo i benderfynu pryd y mae’n briodol ... cadarnhau: Mae adran 181(2) yn diffinio “Gwasanaethau eiriolaeth” fel: gwasanaethau sy’n darparu cymorth (ar ffurf cynrychiolaeth neu fel arall) i bersonau at ddibenion sy’n ymwneud â’u gofal a’u cymorth (paragraff

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