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  1. CRS_Oct16_Reporting_acting_on_child_abuse_and_neglect.pdf

    may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation This consultation seeks views on the possible introduction of mandatory

  2. This is Older Image Library tender document CYMRAEG.pdf

    Hysbysiad o Dendr Llyfrgell Ddelweddau Dyma Beth yw Heneiddio / This is Older ADRAN I: SEFYDLIAD CONTRACTIO I.1) ENW, CYFEIRIADAU A PHWYNT(IAU) CYSWLLT: Cyswllt: Victoria Lloyd, Prif Weithredwr ... 1555 E-bost: Gwefan: / I.2) MATH O SEFYDLIAD A PHRIF WEITHGAREDD NEU WEITHGAREDDAU: Elusen gofrestredig a chwmni cyfyngedig

  3. Scams information hub March 2016.pdf

    access to victim bank accounts    The “Good Citizen Award” scam   Website scams Update: Protect Yourself from Bogus Websites      Santander useful website In the media Email scam costs couple £25

  4. Bywyd ar incwm isel - FINAL - W.pdf

    lle cânt eu gorfodi i ddewis rhwng hanfodion sylfaenol yn ddyddiol er mwyn cadw deupen llinyn ynghyd. Er hynny, mae enghreifftiau gwirioneddol yn yr adroddiad hwn o sut beth yw bywyd i bobl hyˆn sy’n byw ... o gyrraedd yno, y tu hwnt iddyn nhw. Mae rhai eraill yn lleihau faint o bethau y maent yn eu prynu i’w hunain gan eu bod nhw eisiau cynnal eu teuluoedd yn ariannol neu brynu anrhegion ar gyfer eu hwyrion

  5. 06_really_flashy_bird_DIGITAL.pdf

    how you crochet it: Start by making the body. Work 6 dc in a magic ring. [6] round 1: inc in all 6 st. [12] round 2: (dc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times. [18] round 3: (dc in next 2 st, inc ... worked around both sides of the foundation chain. round 1: start in second ch from hook, inc in this st, dc in next 3 st, inc in next st. Ch 1. Continue on other side of the foundation chain, dc in next

  6. Ymyriadau iechyd a gwasanaethau ataliol - Ionawr 2024.pdf

    corfforol ac iechyd meddwl poblogaeth hŷn Cymru wedi gwaethygu ers pandemig Covid-19. Mae yna oedi wrth i bobl aros am driniaeth feddygol. Mae nifer o wiriadau iechyd cyffredin wedi cael eu gohirio. Mae’r ... effeithio ar y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol (GIG), gan roi pwysau mawr ar wasanaethau sydd eisoes yn brwydro i ymdopi gyda llwyth gwaith wrth gefn wedi’r pandemig.1 Mae’n bwysicach nag erioed bod gwasanaethau ataliol

  7. Advocacy Newsletter November 2016 English.pdf

    Thread Advocacy Programme Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Independent Professional Advocacy and the Information, Advice & Assistance Service     Page 2    Page 3 Page 4 ... Page 8 Page 9 APSO training for authorised officers Page 10 Useful training and events Page 11 Useful publications    Age Cymru, Tŷ John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way

  8. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2018 WELSH.pdf

    cartrefi gofal gan Age Cymru, yn parhau i gynnal prosiectau celfyddydol nes gwanwyn 2019. Age Cymru’n lansio Cardiau Gweithgaredd cARTrefu rhad ac am ddim i gartrefi gofal cARTrefu Ionawr 2018 ... rhad ac am ddim Adroddiad cARTrefu Y tîm newydd! ï ï ï Mentoriaid cARTrefu Ar daith ... I gloi ... Y Rhwydwaith Diwylliant Oed-gyfeillgar Gwanwyn 2018

  9. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2018.pdf

    Receiving your free cARTrefu activity pack The cARTrefu Report Meet the new team! cARTrefu Mentors On the road ... And finally ... The Age Friendly Culture Network Gwanwyn

  10. Take Action Today-Poster English.pdf

    strong core and good balance can be achieved by staying active and taking exercise • Look for a local strength and balance focused exercise opportunity such as Tai Chi using or contact

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