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  1. CRS_March16_Future_flood_ prevention_inquiry_response.pdf

    less likely to use a range of communication channels than younger groups. They should also consider what types of messages are most effective and likely to prompt action, while not causing undue distress ... bodies should recognise and support the valuable work of local voluntary organisations and groups that can provide fast, practical, nimble and personable support. Local authorities, voluntary organisations

  2. Executive summary - Age Cymru -Why are we still waiting- Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023.pdf

    1. A picture is emerging of a less healthy population in Wales after the main pandemic period, as can be seen in the large increase in the number of older people approaching social care for help and the

  3. 20191113 Public Health Wales SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    must be supported and encouraged to acquire digital skills and get online, if they are able to and can afford to do so. Those who cannot or do not want to do so should continue to access services and support

  4. Advocacy Newsletter April 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

    Tudalen 3 Pa mor barod yw'r Comisiynwyr i gydymffurfio â'u gofynion statudol newydd? Tudalen 4 Tudalen 5 Deall cyd-gynhyrchu, a’i rôl mewn comisiynu eiriolaeth - rhan 2 Tudalen

  5. CRS_Oct16_Reporting_acting_on_child_abuse_and_neglect.pdf

    charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5m people every year providing ... Information centre demonstrate that older people are at particular risk of abuse and neglect, both of which can have a devastating impact on physical and mental health. Disturbing examples of the abuse and neglect

  6. 2019 amendments to Winter Wrapped Up guide – English.pdf

    mental health condition; and · you have a household income below a defined threshold (the threshold can be different depending on factors such as the number of people in the household, their age and whether

  7. 20190725 Health Social Care and Sport Committees consultation on the Health and Social Care (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Bill VL.pdf

    that hospital staff never ask, eg, what helps this person drink or sleep, or how they signal they need to go to the toilet. Care home staff are frequently not told what rehabilitation their residents have ... life, should be skills readily available in end of life care in care home settings, so that people can die in their home, where they would prefer to be and where their relatives prefer to visit them, and

  8. RB_Sept14_Neighbourhood_effects-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    as the concentration of individuals from particular ethnic groups and levels of local deprivation, can impact upon the labour market performance of ethnic minorities and thus impact upon individuals’ pension ... of hiring an ethnic minority worker in order to facilitate more contact with customers. At the same time, individuals from ethnic minorities have a higher probability of finding a job in areas with a large

  9. Advocacy Newsletter January 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

        Hoffai Rhaglen Eiriolaeth Edau Euraidd ddymuno Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi! Tudalen 2 Deall cyd-gynhyrchu, a’i rôl mewn comisiynu eiriolaeth    Tudalen 3       Tudalen

  10. Advocacy Newsletter October 2017 Cymraeg.pdf

         Tudalen 4 Page 5       Cynigion newydd i drawsnewid gofal drwy godi safonau a rhoi statws uwch i waith gofal ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ Gwybodaeth a Chanllawiau ar Gam-drin Domestig: Diogelu

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