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  1. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Eng.pdf

    Pension Age) mean that some couples with an age gap of five years or more could lose £35,000 by the time the younger partner reaches SPA. Age UK has estimated that 31% of couples have an age gap of five

  2. FAW 2019. Take Action Today-Patient table-Wel CV (2).pdf

    cymryd 4 meddyginiaeth neu fwy? A yw wedi bod yn 12 mis neu fwy ers i chi gael adolygiad o feddyginiaethau? Cysylltu â’ch fferyllydd i gael adolygiad defnydd meddyginiaeth. Mae hwn yn wasanaeth rhad ac ... Ydych chi wedi sylwi ar unrhyw aneglurder neu fylchau yn eich gweledigaeth? Cysylltu â’ch optegydd i drefnu archwilio eich llygaid Ofn cwympo Ydych chi wedi bod bron â chwympo ac oes gennych chi ofn cwympo

  3. Advocacy Newsletter September 2016 Cymraeg.pdf

    .. Tudalen 5   Tudalen 6       Tudalen 7 Tudalen 8 Cymorth i ddarparwyr eiriolaeth newydd a rhai sy’n bodoli eisoes        Tudalen 9 ‘Digwyddiad Mawr’ ... Tudalen 10 Safle gwybodaeth newydd yn cael ei lansio i wella lles yng Nghymru Cael yr help sydd ei angen arnoch gan y Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol: Canllaw i Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru)

  4. Coivd-19 Survey_v2 WELSH.pdf

    Mae’n ddilyniant i’r arolwg a gynhaliwyd gennym yn ystod Haf 2020. Mae’n bwysig bod Llywodraeth Cymru, ac eraill, yn clywed am brofiadau pobl hŷn yn ystod y cyfnod clo, a’r effaith mae wedi’i chael arnynt ... arnynt. Bydd yr arolwg hwn yn cymryd oddeutu 15 munud i’w gwblhau. Mae eich ymateb yn ddienw. Diolch i chi am eich cefnogaeth drwy gwblhau’r arolwg hwn. A. Y Cyfnod Clo A1. Yn ystod y cyfnodau clo, roeddwn yn

  5. Become an Independent Volunteer Advocate

    volunteers all over Wales to provide independent advocacy support to local older people and carers so they can help shape the key decisions affecting their lives and avoid getting into a crisis situation. The HOPE ... over the phone or via video call. Where appropriate, a hybrid approach based on the needs of clients can be applied, with some face to face contact arranged.  Age Cymru wants to ensure the safety of

  6. Nordic Walking

    your legs, arms, shoulders, chest and back. Nordic Walking is less tiring than normal walking and it can increase your heart rate by up to 13% meaning that you receive greater benefit through less effort ... by Karen Ingram, National Trainer for British Nordic Walking. Karen is demonstrating exercises we can do to keep us moving and extremely beneficial to keep practicing on a regular basis. If you've not

  7. About Project 360°

    alongside veteran’s charity Woody’s Lodge, and Age Alliance Wales members. Former armed service personnel can have difficulties coping with civilian life and, in particular, accessing the health and social care ... or seen active service in the merchant navy for one day or more, and aged 65 or over. The project can also provide support and guidance for families and carers of eligible veterans. The project is funded

  8. Wales Against Scams Partnership

    of scams Being targeted by a scam can have a devastating impact on both the victim and their family and friends. The consequences are not just financial – they can cause lasting damage to mental and ... such as poverty, isolation, frailty and cognitive impairment. However, people of any age or ability can become a victim of scams. Scams will not disappear without large-scale, systemic change. Until then

  9. Making relationships count

    carers and families who are caring for someone who is moving to a care home Hear from care homes about what works well for them, and how they actively support families and older carers Share a reflective practice

  10. Age at Work

    Cymru wants to encourage and support businesses to build age-friendly workplaces where older employees can thrive. We have formed a partnership with Business in the Community (Cymru) to support employers through ... Employer Toolkit Age-Inclusive Learning Network Find out how Age Cymru and Business in the Community can support your business to be more age inclusive Mid-Career Review Webinars More than 50% of us haven’t

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