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  1. RB_2013_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    (intended) • Sus-IT: Loughborough University • Participative research into older people in the digital world • University of London, Imperial College, evaluation of NHS Choices • Measurement of financial benefits ... of older people will not be using the internet. Go ON UK has ambitious plans to make the UK the world’s most digitally connected nation. Despite the fact that the UK has the largest number of internet

  2. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    attention and interaction. Mrs Williams came to the group along with her husband initially to have a cup of tea, have a look around and see how the service would suit her needs. Mrs Williams, a very soft

  3. IG13.pdf

    emotional support to carers (page 42). “It’s not always possible, but I try and do a crossword with a cup of tea to have a bit of time to myself.” Ian, 47 33 Making time for yourself It can sometimes feel

  4. Strategy for an Ageing Society - March 2021.pdf

    that older people are able to find information, access services and support and navigate the digital world. We would emphasise the point that people can’t be left behind, and we need to ensure that effective

  5. Winter 2021 Newsletter v3.pdf

    real conversation in her mother tongue! Kadun has become her Welsh-speaking link to the outside world and brought back so many Winter wrapped up - a guide to keeping safe, warm, and well this winter Each

  6. CRS_Sept16_UPR-submission.pdf

    country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We believe in a world where everyone can love later life and we work every day to achieve this. We help more than 5 million

  7. RB_Sept10_short_term_protection_long_term_vision.pdf

    However local authorities will need to ensure that older people are equal winners, not losers, in a world of greater budgetary freedom. • Place-based budgets: the Total Place pilots demonstrated that there

  8. Keeping well at home.pdf theshowsmustgoon • Writing, for themselves or to others. • Photography, documenting the world around you. • Check arts activities on Age Cymru’s Gwanwyn

  9. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement - March 2019.pdf

    Welsh Government (2018) Making older people’s rights a reality will make Wales the best place in the world to grow old. 16 May 2018 ... Welsh Government (2018) Making older people’s rights a reality will make Wales the best place in the world to grow old. 16 May 2018

  10. EnvisAGE14_english_web.pdf

    officials on their strategies for managing a rapidly ageing population. Japan has been designated the world’s first ‘super ageing society’, with 26% of the population over 65. On current projections this will ... the wellbeing and quality of life business. The arts entertain us, challenge us, reveal to us new worlds of experience and imagination – they bring solace when we need it and offer exuberant celebration

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