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  1. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    troubling’ Emma Prentice—’Spirit’ cARTrefu activity packs Created by the artistic team from cARTrefu 1, our wonderful, and FREE cARTrefu activity packs are available so if you’re interested in having a ... or call 029 2043 1540 and we will post out a bilingual pack to you, free of charge. The pack is made up from a large selection of activities in the following art forms: Visual

  2. Board of Trustees

    local community including chairing the organising committee who run the very successful summer and winter festivals. Eleanor is currently an independent volunteer advocate within the Age Cymru HOPE project

  3. RB_Sept14_Satisfaction_with_social_care_services-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    care staff was important to both White British and South Asian participants in the study, especially warmth, a caring attitude, and being understanding. Continuity of social care staff was also valued, although

  4. Age Cymru – May 2022 - Consultation response - Economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures - The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee.pdf

    increased to cover the rise in the cost of living.’ ‘Heating costs; have been very cold this winter, trying to economise by wearing thermal underwear and 3 layers of jumpers, with a blanket over me ... me when watching tv. First time in years we have not had the central heating on through the winter. Some fires in the wood burner but they do not heat the whole house. Ditto the gas fire in the sitting

  5. Tell Me More report (English).pdf

    shown online and possibly as part of an exhibition. Creative pack The care homes involved will each receive a certificate and bespoke pack. It will include creative activities (some portrait themed) as

  6. Newsletter Summer 2021 - English.pdf

    Peoples’ Alliance and the Welsh Senate of Older People on older people’s experiences of Covid and the winter lockdown. More than 1200 people took the time to tell us what the lockdown was like for them, we’ll ... newsletter from Age Cymru Summer Edition 2021 Understanding older people’s experiences of COVID – The winter lockdown survey In March 2021 Age Cymru, together with colleagues in Active Wales, COPA, Pensioners

  7. 16 Volunteer policy_care home exemplar.pdf

    accordance with data protection legislation. 2. Induction All volunteers will receive an induction pack including a description of the Care Home and how it operates. Following the induction period, volunteers ... be provided with a pack highlighting the aims, roles and needs of the Care Home. Feedback from all volunteers as to how and where [name of Care Home] can improve this process or pack is welcomed. 3. Communication

  8. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    travelling the timing of courses is a consideration, for example people not wishing to drive during the winter months. In cases where people were tutored in the home this was considered a bonus and in some ... watch my daughter-in-law on it and my son kept saying ‘why don’t you get one you’re lonely in the winter when you can’t get out so much” and I said ‘no, it won’t be for me’ and I absolutely adore it now

  9. Blueprint for older people in Wales.pdf

    older people in Wales live in homes that are unbearably cold in winter and expensive to heat. Spiralling energy prices have made recent winters extremely tough for older people on low incomes, many of whom ... programmes. We want every older person to be confident in their ability to stay warm through the winter months, regardless of income, without the need to cut their spending on other essentials such as

  10. RB_Oct11_Stop_falling_report.pdf

    involved. Participants were taken through the exercises themselves and provided with a facilitator pack including a DVD of exercises and a CD of music to take away and use. There are now several hundred ... simple to follow. Following on from this success, Hampshire County Council is developing a training pack for people with dementia as well as ongoing monitoring and evaluation with the aim of reducing attendance

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