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  1. CRS_Sept17_Ofgem_default_tariffs_for_domestic_customers.pdf

    a consultation on default tariffs for domestic consumers at the end of fixed-term contracts/tariffs.1 In summary, Ofgem proposes to allow (but not require) energy suppliers as a default and subject to various ... response, we focus on Question 1 from the consultation, which asks whether respondents have any specific concerns with this proposal. Key points and recommendations 1. Overall, we strongly support the

  2. Abbey_Dash_Notice_2017_S16A_Notice.pdf

    today made an Order under Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, as inserted by Section 1 of the Road Traffic Regulation (Special Events) Act 1994, prohibiting and restricting the use of certain ... are available for inspection at Legal Services, Reception Desk, Civic Hall, Calverley Street Leeds 1 (Ref: A76/RAHardy/Development Team). All communications with regard to this Notice should be addressed

  3. 7 Care home volunteer optional phone call.pdf

    limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284. Registered office address Ground Floor, 1. Care Home introduction Volunteer role Training and support offered Expectations and limits to volunteering

  4. 04_shakeyopompom_DIGITAL.pdf

    bobble dazzler to get hooks looping. how you crochet it: (in blue) Start 6 dc in a magic ring [6] round 1: (in pink) inc in all 6 st [12] round 2: (in blue) (dc in next st, inc in next st) repeat 6 times [18]

  5. Independent Professional Advocacy presentation.pdf

    Independent Professional Advocacy Aims of the modules 1 Module 1 – About Advocacy Aims to increase knowledge and understanding of independent professional advocacy Module 2 – Well-being Aims to promote ... Module 1 – About Advocacy Module 1 – About Advocacy 3 Aims to increase knowledge and understanding of independent professional advocacy Learning outcomes At the end of this module learners will: 1. Be able

  6. CAP Regional Coordinator North and Mid Wales (A&C) 2023.pdf

    1 Role Description Job Title: Regional Project Coordinator (Community Assistance Project) Location: Home based with potential office space in a partner office, covering the North and Mid Wales Region ... Service Manager Job titles and number of direct reports: Regional Project Officer (1) Regional Volunteer Officer (1) Job Purpose: To develop and ensure delivery of a regional framework for the delivery

  7. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_Older_Offenders.pdf

    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review 2016 1 Diversity in older age – Older Offenders Demographic overview In June 2016 there were 12,700 older people (aged 50 and over) in prison in England and ... aged 60-69 and just over one in ten (11%) aged 70 and over.1 Older prisoners made up 15% of the total prison population of England and Wales.1 The over 60 age group is the fastest growing prisoner age group

  8. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    2020 Contents 1. Programme Overview 2. Grant Purpose 3. Financial Information 4. Decision Making 5. Reporting 6. Time Line 7. How to respond to information request 8. Further information 1. Programme ... Programme Overview 1. The Wales ‘Ffrind mewn Angen’ ‘Friend in Need’ scheme will enable a person needing support to identify supporters who would help them during the Coronavirus Crisis. At least two ‘Friends’

  9. Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.docx

    Chwaraegemau⬛ ArallA3. Pamorhawddywhiigaelgafaelarwybodaethamycymortha'rgwasanaethausyddeuhangenarnoch?⬛ 1 – Hawdd⬛ 2 – Hawdd⬛ 3 – Nid⬛ 4 – Anodd⬛ 5 – Anoddiawn yw’n iawn hawdd nacyn anoddRhowch mwy o wybodaeth:A4 ... nrheidiol?⬛ 1 – Hawdd⬛ 2 – Hawdd⬛ 3 – Nid⬛ 4 – Anodd⬛ 5 – Anoddiawn yw’n iawn hawdd nacyn anoddRhowch mwy o wybodaeth:B6.d. Pamorhawddoeddcyrraeddyrapwyntiadaugofaliechydangenrheidiol?⬛ 1 – Hawdd⬛ 2 –

  10. RB_Sept14_Ethnicity_and_occupational_pension.pdf

    Centre for Research on Ageing • Briefing Paper 1 • September 2014 Ethnicity and occupational ... and socio-economic characteristics, ethnicity remains Centre for Research on Ageing • Briefing Paper 1 • September 2014 a strong determinant of one’s pension protection

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