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  1. Discrimination, Human Rights and Welsh language rights public policy statement - September 2022.pdf

    NHS 111 Wales - Health A-Z : Cancer of the breast, female (Accessed 29/09/22) 3 Welsh Government (2021) Age friendly Wales: our strategy for an ageing society | GOV.WALES 4 Welsh Language (Wales) Measure ... they make do not disproportionately impact on particular groups, including older people. In March 2021, the Welsh Government commenced the Socio-economic Duty under Part 1, section 1 of the Equality Act

  2. Age Cymru - Report on the current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales of the Covid-19 pandemic, and views on the year ahead - June 2022.pdf

    that we’ve undertaken during the pandemic, the first was in Summer 2020, and the second was in Spring 2021. 1169 older people told us their views by completing our survey online, in hard copy or by telephone ... 100 and 40% of respondents are over the age of 70 which is 14% more than the previous research in 2021. 4% of respondents identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual and 8% of respondents describe their ethnicity

  3. CRS_Aug15_Women_and_Equalities_Select_Committee_transgender_equality.pdf

    policy resulting in denial of their equal rights. The inclusion of a question on gender identity in the 2021 Census would be an important step towards rectifying this situation. 1.2. Age UK is concerned that ... Forum of which Age UK is a member, has called for a question on gender identity to be included in the 2021 Census. Such a move would also make it possible to view for the first time the age profile of the

  4. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2022.pdf

    Virtual “Big Events” 2022 Following the success of the virtual advocacy “Big Events” in 2020 and 2021, the HOPE team will be hosting The Welsh Adult Advocacy Sector “Big Events” once again over two weeks ... needed to achieve the well-being goals. The first wave of national milestones were set in December 2021 and will be reported on in this year’s Well-being of Wales report where data is available. StatsWales

  5. Age Cymru response to community nursing specification .pdf

    in community nursing through a lack of accuracy in data collection. Welsh Government’s statement in 2021 said that additional work is needed to establish what volume of registered nurses are needed in a ... home residents across Wales and that this position has been exacerbated through the pandemic. The 2021 Nursing in numbers report found that nurses account for just 3% of staff employed in care homes, and

  6. Tell Me More report (English).pdf

    of carers, she made the best of it and really enjoyed herself. 4 Next steps – April to December 2021 Engagement We’ll invite a broad geographical range of care homes across Wales, and work with at least ... address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2021

  7. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2022.pdf

    "Digwyddiadau Mawr" Rhithwir 2022 Yn dilyn llwyddiant y digwyddiad mawr rhithiol ar gyfer eiriolaeth yn 2020 a 2021, bydd tîm HOPE yn cynnal "Digwyddiadau Mawr" y Sector Eiriolaeth ar gyfer Oedolion yng Nghymru unwaith ... cenedlaethol yn cynorthwyo i fesur cyflymder y newid sydd ei angen i gyflawni'r nodau llesiant. Yn Rhagfyr 2021 gosodwyd y don gyntaf o gerrig milltir cenedlaethol a byddant yn cael eu hystyried yn adroddiad Lles

  8. Tell Me More report (Welsh).pdf

    gofalwyr, wedi gwneud y mwyaf ohono ac wedi mwynhau ei hun yn arw. 4 Camau nesaf - Ebrill i Ragfyr 2021 Ymgysylltu Byddwn yn gwahodd ystod ddaearyddol ehangach o gartrefi gofal ledled Cymru, ac yn gweithio ... gofrestredig Llawr Isaf, Tŷ Mariners, Llys Trident, Heol East Moors, Caerdydd CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2021

  9. Age Cymru - Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    2019/2020 a 2020/2021 11 Tabl 2: Canran yr asesiadau a gwblhawyd yn dilyn atgyfeiriadau 12 Tabl 3: Y cyfnod o amser rhwng yr asesiad a’r gofal yn cychwyn yn 2019/20 20 ac yn2020/2021 13 Cydnabyddiaethau ... bob un o'r 22 awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru yn gofyn am y wybodaeth ganlynol ar gyfer 2019/2020 a 2020/2021: • Ar gyfer pob unigolyn sy'n oedolyn 55 oed neu'n hŷn a wnaeth gais cychwynnol am asesiad gofal am

  10. Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    2019/2020 a 2020/2021 11 Tabl 2: Canran yr asesiadau a gwblhawyd yn dilyn atgyfeiriadau 12 Tabl 3: Y cyfnod o amser rhwng yr asesiad a’r gofal yn cychwyn yn 2019/20 20 ac yn2020/2021 13 Cydnabyddiaethau ... bob un o'r 22 awdurdod lleol yng Nghymru yn gofyn am y wybodaeth ganlynol ar gyfer 2019/2020 a 2020/2021: • Ar gyfer pob unigolyn sy'n oedolyn 55 oed neu'n hŷn a wnaeth gais cychwynnol am asesiad gofal am

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