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  1. Ffurflen fonitro cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth.docx

    Cymru yn gwbl ymroddedig i gydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn sylfaenol i gyflawni gweledigaeth ac amcanion Age Cymru. Er y gallwn fesur i ba raddau ydym yn llwyddo i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ... eisiau byw, yn llawn amser yn y rhywedd sydd i'r gwrthwyneb â'r rhywedd y neilltuwyd iddo ar ei enedigaeth. Ydw Nac ydw Byddai'n Well Gennyf Beidio â Dweud I ba un o'r grwpiau oedran canlynol ydych

  2. Local Toilets Strategies - April 2018.pdf

    toilets and toilets for public use are essential to making communities age friendly and a lack of them can have a debilitating effect on older people, preventing people from accessing key services and increasing ... Regarding the publishing and review of local toilets strategies, it is essential that older people can easily access information about the provision of toilet facilities in the community. We believe that

  3. Health interventions and preventative services policy statement - May 2018.pdf

    optometry, audiology, dentistry, physiotherapy and podiatry are essential. The cost of dental treatment can be a barrier to some older people. In particular, access to foot care services across Wales must be ... services as the wider community. Early intervention and a reablement approach to supporting people can help to maintain independence at home and delay the need for high-end residential care. The third sector

  4. Age Positive Poster Celebrate web.pdf

    Date: Event: #agepositiveweek 30 Medi – 7 Hydref 2018 I gael mwy o wybodaeth am Wythnos Positif Am Oed, cysylltwch â ni ar 029 2043 1555 neu ewch i Dathlu Wythnos Positif

  5. Equalities Monitoring Form - Welsh.pdf

    wedi ymrwymo'n gryf i gydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn hanfodol i gyflawni gweledigaeth ac amcanion Age Cymru. Er mwyn i ni allu mesur i ba raddau yr ydym yn llwyddo i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ... negyddol ar allu'r person i gyflawni gweithgareddau arferol o ddydd i ddydd. 4. Beth yw eich grŵp ethnig? Dewiswch UN adran, yna rhowch gylch o amgylch y blwch priodol i nodi eich cefndir diwylliannol

  6. Fuel Poverty policy statement - November 2021.pdf

    Action is needed for the winter, especially in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, to ensure that people can keep warm and well, and it is important that Welsh Government publishes and implements its Cold weather ... price cap increased on 1 October 2021. Higher energy costs are challenging for consumers, and the timing and size of this increase will be particularly difficult for many families still struggling with

  7. ID204744 Jingle Bakes poster_A4.pdf

    I’m ho-ho-hosting a Christmas bake sale for Age Cymru Every slice, every sliver, every bite of every biscuit, every crunch helps Age Cymru support older people at Christmas and beyond. Date: At: Age

  8. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    people who are in particular circumstances that make them vulnerable to floods and their effects. These can include the following:  Living alone, being socially isolated, having no support network or family ... is when a person’s home needs significant repairs. People have to leave the home temporarily, which can last for six months, a year or longer. Isolated people with no family in the area may struggle to find

  9. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_071215.pdf

    Coventry’s “No wrong door” approach, a joined up and holistic programme that guides service users to what might be most beneficial to them. It mostly focuses on prevention, helping to reduce the need for ... services. She added that funding was patchy and uncertain. Baroness Jolly asked the speakers in what way older people had been involved in designing the programmes. Moira Pendlebury explained that the

  10. Dementia Advocacy

    use. This means the person with dementia will be at the heart of the decision making process, and we can support and represent them without any conflict of interest.

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