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  1. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    cARTrefu Phase 3, Age Cymru’s arts in care homes project, will continue until August 2021. Phase 3 is focusing on empowering care home staff to improve the range and quality of creative provision ... If you’re an artist or creative and would like to attend a workshop, you can register on by searching for cARTrefu—An introduction for artists and

  2. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    Taflu goleuni ar fynd i’r afael ag unigrwydd ac arwahanu cymdeithasol ymysg pobl h n Erthyglau nodwedd Tudalen 2 Cyflwyniad – Victoria Lloyd Tudalen 4 Ni ddylai neb fod heb neb – profiadau pobl hyˆn ... cyhoeddus yng Nghymru – Dr Mark Llewellyn Tudalen 30 Mae angen math newydd o bentref: mynd i’r afael ag unigrwydd mewn poblogaeth sy’n heneiddio – Nicola Palmarini, Sheila Zinck a Heather Fraser Tudalen

  3. CAP Regional Project Officer North and Mid Wales - English.pdf

    Supervise and oversee all case work undertaken by the volunteers in the region. 4. Receive referrals for the project in the region, matching volunteers to the person needing the service and work closely with ... with other members of the project team to ensure a high quality, timely and responsive service is provided to all older people referred to it. 5. Work with regional partners, develop opportunities and

  4. 8 Care home volunteer personal details.pdf

    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England ... Registered office address Ground Floor, Mariners House, Trident Court, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD. © Age Cymru 2023 GDPR Statement: (as required by care home)

  5. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    Introduction Bus services provide a lifeline for many older people. For those without easy access to a car, having accessible and affordable public transport is vital to leading an active and independent ... anywhere in England for free. Eligibility is currently tied to State Pension age for both men and women. It is a crucial universal benefit that is greatly valued by older people. But there is no point in having

  6. Advocacy Newsletter November 2016 English.pdf

    Analysing levels of need for Advocacy within local populations Page 5   Page 6 Care To Co-operate      Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 APSO training for authorised officers ... Useful publications    Age Cymru, Tŷ John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ t: 029 2043 1555 e: Registered charity number:

  7. Equalities Monitoring Form - Welsh.pdf

    MONITRO CYDRADDOLDEB AC AMRYWIAETH Mae Age Cymru wedi ymrwymo'n gryf i gydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth. Mae'r ymrwymiad hwn yn hanfodol i gyflawni gweledigaeth ac amcanion Age Cymru. Er mwyn i ni allu mesur i ... ffurflen hon yn cael ei defnyddio at ddibenion gwerthuso yn unig. Os byddai'n well gennych beidio ag ateb y cwestiynau a ofynnwyd o dan unrhyw un o'r penawdau, gadewch yn wag. Cais am Swydd: Wrth

  8. Advocacy Services in Wrexham.pdf

    Professional Advocate) ASNEW - Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Children and Young People ASNEW - Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy ... 759332 DEWIS CIL 01492 588366 ASNEW - Advocacy Services North East Wales offer advocacy for carers. 01352 759332 Learning Disability Physical

  9. Prosiect Hawliau Dynol

    academaidd, ond bob dydd rydyn ni'n profi sefyllfaoedd sy'n ymwneud â'n hawliau dynol. Ariannwyd Age Cymru o Ionawr i Orffennaf 2022 i ddarparu prosiect hawliau dynol mewn partneriaeth â Llywodraeth ... drwy e-bostio . Gallwch ddod o hyd i fwy o wybodaeth am hawliau dynol: Human rights - why they're important | Age Cymru ( .  Os ydych chi eisiau siarad â

  10. Cartrefu Infographic - Welsh.pdf

    cyntaf y prosiect rhwng 2015 a2017, ... Cafodd artistiaid proffesiynol yng Nghymru eu recriwtio gan Age Cymru, a chawsant eu cefnogi gan fentoriaid proffesiynol i gynnal sesiynau cyfranogol creadigol yn ... ac aelodau’r teulu, dros 8 - 12 wythnos, ... Ym mis Ebrill 2015, datblygwyd y rhaglen cARTrefu gan Age Cymru pwrpas y rhaglen oedd cynyddu'r nifer o gyfleoedd i breswylwyr a staff gymryd rhan yn y celfyddydau

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