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  1. 18 Care home volunteer hours log .pdf

    © Age Cymru 2023 Experience: Date What was good? What could have been better? What do you hope to see happen next?

  2. Our work

    We aim to provide life-enhancing services and vital support to people in later life. We and our local partners deliver a range of services across Wales.

  3. Maniffesto 2021.pdf

    rhyngrwyd a sgiliau digidol. (iv) JRF (2018) Poverty in Wales ... rhyngrwyd a sgiliau digidol. (viii) CIPD/CMI (2010), Managing

  4. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    support  Can help smaller providers with track record in that form of advocacy, enhancing choice locally  Specialist practice and expertise can be reinforced  Can be quick and straightforward to commission ... well-coordinated services can be disjointed, impacting on quality and continuity  Small contracts are more susceptible to staffing problems and service disruption  Capacity to flex delivery may be limited

  5. Age Awareness Training

    Age Awareness Training

  6. No one should have no one - tackling loneliness

    as a public health priority and we want local authorities to take the following steps: • Create safe, accessible built environments with places to meet that are easily accessible by integrated local public ... identifying and developing solutions to isolation; • Work with housing, transport, health, care, voluntary sector organisations and GPs to deliver practical and emotional help to tackle loneliness; • Provide services

  7. Oct 2016 APPG minutes 31 10 16.pdf

    (Secretariat) Apologies: Baroness Jolly, Rachael Maskell MP Introduction: Nusrat Ghani welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the running order. Election of Officers: Nusrat Ghani MP, Barbara Keeley

  8. If you develop coronavirus symptons.pdf

    of taste or smell). • Let the person you’re supporting know as soon as possible that you’re not able to support them for at least lk"71. • Contact the other ‘Friend’ that supports that person. If you’re

  9. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Music_W.pdf

    eich caneuon eich hun. Gweithgaredd haws o lawer ydi ysgrifennu geiriau newydd i hen alaw! • Dewis cân boblogaidd • Gall fod yn unrhyw gân: Elvis efallai, neu’r Beatles, neu gân draddodiadol fel She’ll

  10. flipbook tester


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