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  1. Covid Survey Report - Welsh.pdf

    Negative No issues Positive Avoided accessing these services Did not need to access these services No issues Access to social care Access to dental services 200150100500 Covid hir Profedigaeth Gyrru Colli swydd

  2. Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi.pdf

    Adran Gwaith a Phensiynau yn uniongyrchol ar 0800 99 1234 neu ewch i D3. Beth sy’n disgrifio sefyllfa eich cartref orau? e Rydw i’n berchen ar fy nhŷ yn gyfan gwbl

  3. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    London: Department for Work and Pensions; 2017. 4 Trades Union Congress. Extending working lives - How to support older workers. London: TUC; 2021 ... continuous training within the labour market, be enabled and who will pay for this? Looking forward to 2025 and 2040 how might this evolve? London: Foresight: Government Office for Science; 2015. 10 Lössbroek

  4. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    London: Department for Work and Pensions; 2017. 4 Trades Union Congress. Extending working lives - How to support older workers. London: TUC; 2021 ... continuous training within the labour market, be enabled and who will pay for this? Looking forward to 2025 and 2040 how might this evolve? London: Foresight: Government Office for Science; 2015. 10 Lössbroek

  5. Newsletter welsh v4.pdf

    newydd sy’n cael ei lansio gan Age Cymru yn hydref 2020. Bydd y prosiect, o’r enw HOPE (Helping Others to Participate and Engage), yn hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr cymunedol i ddarparu cymorth eiriolaeth i bobl

  6. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack_wel.pdf

    pwysicaf o'r rhain wedi'u crynhoi ym mhamffled Comisiwn yr Elusen ‘The Essential Trustee: What you need to know’ (CC3). Nid yw'r Cod Ymarfer yn rhestr o ddyletswyddau cyfreithiol ymddiriedolwyr, er bod nifer

  7. Canllaw Siop Un Stop i Ofalwyr Hŷn yng Nghymru - Mehefin 2023.pdf

    Cyfrifianellau budd-daliadau Age Cymru - Benefits calculator | Check what you can claim for Entitled to - medium=referral&utm_campaign=GovUK Turn2us ... Gwybodaeth 13 Age Cymru) Gofalu dros rhywun gyda dementia (Canllaw Gwybodaeth 47 Age Cymru) A Carers Guide to Managing Medicines (Social Care Wales) Your Mind Matters (Canllaw Gwybodaeth 56 Age UK) When Caring

  8. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    weld y llyfryn yma: Law_2019_2.pdf. Y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb: Dyletswyddau Penodol i Gymru Daeth y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb ... Creating an age friendly Wales Nid oes terfyn oedran. I ddeall mwy, ewch i’n gwefan There is no age limit. To understand more, visit our website Mae Age

  9. Carers Guide WELSH (Jan 23).pdf

    Cyfrifianellau budd-daliadau Age Cymru - Benefits calculator | Check what you can claim for Entitled to - medium=referral&utm_campaign=GovUK Turn2us ... Gwybodaeth 13 Age Cymru) Gofalu dros rhywun gyda dementia (Canllaw Gwybodaeth 47 Age Cymru) A Carers Guide to Managing Medicines (Social Care Wales) Your Mind Matters (Canllaw Gwybodaeth 56 Age UK) When Caring

  10. Carers Guide (Cym) Nov 22.pdf

    Cyfrifianellau budd-daliadau Age Cymru - Benefits calculator | Check what you can claim for Entitled to - medium=referral&utm_campaign=GovUK Turn2us ... Gwybodaeth 13 Age Cymru) Gofalu dros rhywun gyda dementia (Canllaw Gwybodaeth 47 Age Cymru) A Carers Guide to Managing Medicines (Social Care Wales) Your Mind Matters (Canllaw Gwybodaeth 56 Age UK) When Caring

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