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  1. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    about older people living on a low income: the extent of poverty in later life, changes over time and who is at greatest risk. What do we mean by poverty? We consider people to be living in poverty when ... when their resources are not enough to meet their basic needs and also to allow them to take part in society.i This could mean struggling to cover food and energy bills, watching every penny spent, worrying

  2. Defence discount card

    stores, restaurants and venues to obtain armed forces discounts. This discount card allows Veterans and the Armed Forces Community to have a card that can allow them to receive military discounts. Find

  3. Neglect

    support to provide the amount and type of care that a reasonable person would be expected to provide . This includes including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate ... ill-treatment of a person lacking capacity is a criminal offence and can result in a fine or imprisonment. Under the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 it is an offence for a care worker or care provider to ill-treat

  4. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf

    Canllaw Gwybodaeth 01  Medi 2020 Aros yn ddiogel: Aros yn ddiogel gartref, wrth i chi grwydro a phan ydych ar-lein IG01  Medi 2020 ... gartref 3 2.1 Atal cwympiadau 4 2.2 Atal tân 6 2.3 Diogelwch nwy a thanwydd solet 8 2.4 Diogelwch trydanol 10 2.5 Diogelu eich drysau a ffenestri 12 2.6 Diogelwch wrth y drws 14 2.7 Hybu diogelwch o gwmpas

  5. Supporting good mental health in care homes

    Between November 2022 and March 2024, Age Cymru undertook a series of research projects focusing on supporting good mental health of older adults living in care homes in Wales. During the pandemic, care ... care home residents were among those most acutely impacted by daily restrictions to their lives. Projects such as Age Cymru’s Tell Me More revealed how much these restrictions had impacted upon the

  6. RB_Aug17_briefing_poverty.pdf

    about older people living on a low income: the extent of poverty in later life, changes over time and who is at greatest risk. What do we mean by poverty? We consider people to be living in poverty when ... when their resources are not enough to meet their basic needs and also to allow them to take part in society.i This could mean struggling to cover food and energy bills, watching every penny spent, worrying

  7. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    iach y gaeaf hwn Iechyd a llesiant 2 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Ein cefndir Age Cymru yw’r elusen genedlaethol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Mae Age Cymru yn gweithio i ddatblygu a chyflawni newid cadarnhaol ... gweledigaeth. Ein cenhadaeth yw gwneud bywyd yn well ar gyfer pobl hŷn. Ynghyd â’n partneriaid lleol: • Rydym yn darparu gwybodaeth a chyngor. • Rydym yn darparu rhaglenni llesiant. • Rydym yn darparu eiriolaeth

  8. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    gyfeillgarEnvis AGE Taflu goleuni ar gyflogaeth a phobl hŷn Rhif 15 2021/22 Erthyglau nodwedd Tudalen 2 Cyflwyniad – Victoria Lloyd Tudalen 4 Tueddiadau a heriau cyflogaeth ar gyfer ein gweithlu sy’n heneiddio ... Hyde Tudalen 12 Sgiliau, gwybodaeth a phersbectif – mae busnes yn cydnabod manteision cefnogi staff dros 50 oed – Jill Salter a D’Yon Dowell Tudalen 16 Gweithwyr hŷn a’r menopos yn y gwaith – Shavanah Taj

  9. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    gyfeillgarEnvis AGE Taflu goleuni ar gyflogaeth a phobl hŷn Rhif 15 2021/22 Erthyglau nodwedd Tudalen 2 Cyflwyniad – Victoria Lloyd Tudalen 4 Tueddiadau a heriau cyflogaeth ar gyfer ein gweithlu sy’n heneiddio ... Hyde Tudalen 12 Sgiliau, gwybodaeth a phersbectif – mae busnes yn cydnabod manteision cefnogi staff dros 50 oed – Jill Salter a D’Yon Dowell Tudalen 16 Gweithwyr hŷn a’r menopos yn y gwaith – Shavanah Taj

  10. cARTrefu Newsletter September 2018 Welsh.pdf

    arddangosfa, Tachwedd 2018 i Ionawr 2019! Cwrdd â’r tîm newydd! Rydym eich angen chi! cARTrefu Sharing Events #cARTrefu @AgeCymru Ilar a’r ‘Aw!’ Comes to Us All Y gerdd Susan Kingman Pecynnau

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