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  1. Age Cymru - Final report - Supporting good mental health of older adults in care homes- March 2023 - Website.pdf

    from older adults living in care homes - - Good practice 23 Identification of the gaps in support, 25 and the needs identified Recommendations 30 3 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… ... 21 22 Good practice ………………………………………………………………………… • 23 • 24 Identification of the gaps in support, and the needs identified ………………………………………………………………………… 25 26 1

  2. Advocacy Newsletter December 2017 English.pdf

    Authority Advocacy Commissioning Teams Supporting the Commissioning and Good Practice of Advocacy: Resource list Page 4 Age Cymru’s Spread the Warmth Campaign Page 5 Care Home Review Follow-up ... two-thirds of adult social care complaints, annual review reveals Page 6 A Human Rights Approach to Advocacy Page 7 Useful publications Human Rights and Advocacy: A Short-guide Page 8

  3. Age Cymru Arts in Care Homes Summary August 2023.pdf

    home in Wales Summary focused on the wellbeing of older people - August 2023 Recommendations • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436.

  4. Advocacy services in Wales

    The documents on this page show which advocacy services are available in each local authority area in Wales. They've been compiled by Age Cymru with support from the advocacy providers who attend the various ...   The information will be updated regularly at network meetings using the template developed by the Alzheimer’s Society. If you're aware of updated information that needs including in the documents

  5. Gwanwyn_bro_Welsh.pdf

    and you remember -the moment brings that hour again, and the summer child alive inside you dips a brush in gold, then blue for dark. You colour what you heard: children at play; the evensong of birds. ... Or winter, by the fire long ago, watching your mother sifting flour like snow. Tell it in words, or paint-box poetry: Rose Madder, Ochre, Lapis, Indigo, colour-names that waken memory, a lamplit room

  6. Advocacy Newsletter November 2016 English.pdf

    Thread Advocacy Programme Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Independent Professional Advocacy and the Information, Advice & Assistance Service     Page 2    Page 3 Page 4 ... Analysing levels of need for Advocacy within local populations Page 5   Page 6 Care To Co-operate      Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 APSO training for authorised officers

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    Read our policy on using cookies, including a list of the cookies we use.

  8. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    y’u gelwir, fel y DU, UDA a Japan, wedi bod yn heneiddio ac yn gostwng. Roedd cyfraddau ffrwythlondeb is yn golygu bod llai o bobl iau yn dechrau gweithio, tra bod argaeledd cynlluniau ymddeol cynnar cymharol ... mathau hyblyg o waith i’w gweithwyr hŷn. Mae rhai enghreifftiau o arfer da o’r astudiaeth Timewise a The Centre for Ageing Better sydd hefyd wedi cynhyrchu pecyn cymorth i gefnogi cyflogwyr i’w helpu i ddatblygu

  9. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    y’u gelwir, fel y DU, UDA a Japan, wedi bod yn heneiddio ac yn gostwng. Roedd cyfraddau ffrwythlondeb is yn golygu bod llai o bobl iau yn dechrau gweithio, tra bod argaeledd cynlluniau ymddeol cynnar cymharol ... mathau hyblyg o waith i’w gweithwyr hŷn. Mae rhai enghreifftiau o arfer da o’r astudiaeth Timewise a The Centre for Ageing Better sydd hefyd wedi cynhyrchu pecyn cymorth i gefnogi cyflogwyr i’w helpu i ddatblygu

  10. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Cym.pdf

    mae 43% o ganghennau banc Cymru wedi cau BBC Wales news (2019) Wales tops table for UK bank branch closures. 24 September 2019. Mae newidiadau i reolau Credyd ... dderbyn Credyd Pensiwn, yn ei hawlio. Independent Age (2019) Credit where it’s due: Ending the £3.5 billion Pension Credit scandal report: 26 June 2019

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