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  1. 20180816 RISCA advocacy services response.pdf

    Approach to Statutory Advocacy Services for children includes a suite of commissioning tools which help key stakeholders to interpret terms within the regulations, such as “sufficient” numbers of staff ... treatment. We agree that this is appropriate at an organisational level, where it is a question of a service provider creating a situation which puts an individual at risk. However, adults with capacity are

  2. Business Development Manager JD.pdf

    interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate, build relationships and negotiate effectively at all levels both within and outside an organisation  Ability to work flexibly and pro-actively on own

  3. Take Action Today-table-Welsh.pdf

    llawn ac asesiad o’ch anghenion. Soniwch wrth eich meddyg teulu am eich pryderon, a all eich cyfeirio at ddietegydd os bydd angen. Siarad gyda’ch meddyg teulu am eich pryderon. Siarad gyda’ch meddyg teulu

  4. 20220311 Business Development Manager JD.docx

    i nterpersonal skills and the ability to communicate, build relationships and negotiate effectively at all levels both within and outside an organisationAbility to work flexibly and pro-actively on own

  5. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Perf_arts_W.pdf

    preswylwyr dynnu un gwrthrych allan ar y tro. Wedyn gofynnwch i’r preswylwyr ychwanegu’r gwrthrych at y stori maen nhw’n ei chreu. Tynnwch wrthrych arall a dal ati gyda’r stori. Peidiwch â phoeni bod

  6. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf

    (ewch i dudalen 42). Os oes gennych ganser, mae gan Gymorth Canser Macmillan lyfryn defnyddiol o’r enw Help gyda chost canser (ewch i dudalen 40). Camau nesaf Darganfyddwch beth arall y gallai fod gennych hawl ... cyffredinol am ba fath o ofal yr hoffech ei gael. Dylai’r rhain gael eu hystyried gan y rhai sy’n cyfrannu at ddarparu eich gofal os byddwch yn colli’r gallu i wneud neu gyfleu eich penderfyniadau eich hun. Gall

  7. 06_really_flashy_bird_DIGITAL.pdf

    3 st, dec) repeat 3 times. [12] Start stuffing the head with fibrefill. (you will need to add more at round 8) round 7: (dc in next 2 st, dec) repeat 2 times. [6] round 8: dc in all 6 sts. [6] Once nicely

  8. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Eng.pdf

    (2016), The Production of Estimated Levels of Fuel Poverty in Wales: 2012-2016, 11 July 2016. Available at: 12/160711-productionestimated

  9. IG21w.pdf

    Iwerddon, cysylltwch ag Age Scotland ac Age NI, yn ôl eu trefn. Gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol Rydym yn cyfeirio at Swyddfa’r Gwarcheidwad Cyhoeddus drwy gydol y canllaw hwn, a gall helpu â llawer o’r pynciau dan sylw ... faint o arian sydd gennych – a faint a wariwyd. Hefyd, gallwch ofyn i’r manylion hyn gael eu hanfon at eich cyfreithiwr neu aelod o’ch teulu. 8 Atwrneiaeth b) Atwrneiaeth arhosol ar gyfer penderfyniadau

  10. Fundraising events

    not only be achieving a huge personal goal, you'll also be raising much needed funds to go towards helping vulnerable older people across Wales. Knit Why not get involved in our Big Knit - we ask you ... Tell us about your fundraising Thank you so much for choosing to fundraise for Age Cymru. We couldn't help as many older people as we do without your support. We'd love to know more about what you've got planned

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