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  1. Question Time Event - 23 March 2021

    Age Cymru recently held an online Question Time Event where older people throughout Wales were invited to pose questions to politicians.

  2. HOPE - Helping others participate and engage

    The HOPE Project (Helping Others Participate and Engage) is a partnership project between; Age Cymru, Age Cymru local partners and Age Connects Wales partners across the whole of Wales.

  3. EnvisAGE14_cymraeg_web.pdf

    involvement Locally Self-contained (LSC) • Infrequent contact with at least one relative living locally or in adjacent community • Usually contact with sibling or niece/nephew • Reliance on neighbours • Household ... Involved in community voluntary organisations • Absence of local kin is common • This network is commonly a middle-class adaptation Private Restricted (PR) • Absence of local kin (other than in some cases

  4. Random acts of kindness

    for coffee and a chat A phone call to see if I’m alright Fetching something of the top shelf for me in the supermarket Ask if medication needs sorting Just say ‘Hello’ Send me a birthday card Tell someone ... Offer to take me shopping Take me to have my nails done Make conversation I phone my 93 year old Mother-in-law every day to check she's okay and when we visit I take some groceries and flowers Hold open a door

  5. The coronavirus vaccine (and booster doses)

    out between 1 April and 30 June 2024. The following people will be eligible to receive it: residents in a care home for older adults; all adults aged 75 years and over; people aged 6 months and over who ... or contact your  Local Health Board .  What happens after I've had my vaccination?  In general, the purpose of a vaccine is always the same: to train our immune system to respond to a germ

  6. Good Practice Guide WELSH v4.pdf

    *Ffynhonnell: uk/globalassets/age-uk/documents/ reports-and-publications/later_life_uk_ factsheet.pdf Gofalwyr Hŷn Dan y Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru), diffinnir ... ddiolch i’r gofalwyr hŷn sydd wedi rhannu eu profiad o garu rhywun sy’n byw mewn cartref gofal. My Home Life Dolenni: Age Cymru Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru https://carers

  7. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf

    uk> neu ffoniwch 029 2043 1571. Creating an age friendly Wales Why are we waiting? Delays in care assessments in Wales August 2022 Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Pam rydyn ni’n aros? Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol ... oedran yn y gweithle trwy’r rhaglen Age at Work, mewn partneriaeth ag Age Cymru. Mae’n cael ei ariannu gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol. Trwy Age at Work, mae Busnes yn y Gymuned yn helpu cyflogwyr

  8. The Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount

    £100 and £300 to help pay your heating bills, dependent on your age and if other people in your household also qualify . You usually get a Winter Fuel Payment automatically if you get the State ... each year as long as your circumstances don’t change. Our factsheet, Help with heating costs in Wales,  has further information on the Winter Fuel Payment. The Warm Home Discount is a one-off

  9. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    Modelau Comisiynu Eiriolaeth   skilled support  Can help smaller providers with track record in that form of advocacy, enhancing choice locally  Specialist practice and expertise can be reinforced ... for more provider diversity  Can improve accessibility for people using services  Not as efficient in terms of cost and quality as Full Service  More attractive to larger providers and thus possible risk

  10. Which exercise might suit you?

    online that demonstrate chair-based exercises. If you’re physically able, but find yourself sitting in front of the computer or television for hours at a time, try to break it up and build activity into ... such as Parkinson’s, arthritis or osteoporosis, always consult your GP for help in choosing the right exercise for you. They may be able to suggest suitable activities and may know

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