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  1. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020.pdf

    homes project, will continue until August 2021. Phase 3 is focusing on empowering care home staff to improve the range and quality of creative provision in their care home, raising public awareness of ... building capacity by sharing learning within the arts sector, and building sustainability. Thanks to the further funding from the Baring Foundation and Arts Council Wales, cARTrefu will be delivering

  2. EnvisAGE

    wellbeing. Laura Tipper of Veterans NHS Wales provides an overview of the specialised priority service to improve the mental health and wellbeing of veterans. Claire Morgan and Jane Healey of Carers Wales ... carers can be negatively impacted by their caring role. The article by Sara Walters features the Roots to Recovery project delivered in partnership between Mind Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen and Pembrokeshire

  3. Contact the team

    Dementia Advocate, Powys Email If you wish to make a referral to the Dementia Advocacy team, please download our referral form and email the completed form to us.

  4. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    weld y llyfryn yma: Law_2019_2.pdf. Y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb: Dyletswyddau Penodol i Gymru Daeth y Ddeddf Cydraddoldeb ... Mae’n bryd gweithredu | Yr hyn rydym yn ei wneud | HelpAge International Tudalen Prosiect Hawliau Dynol Age Cymru, lle gallwch gael rhagor o wybodaeth a

  5. This is Older Image Library tender document CYMRAEG.pdf

    ffi deg i’r modelau am eu hamser • Delweddau sy’n adlewyrchu cymysgedd o senarios, gan gynnwys dan do ac yn yr awyr agored a phontio’r cenedlaethau, pobl hŷn yn cymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau

  6. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    2017 2018 2019 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ffynhonnell: Learning & Work adult-participation-in-learning-survey/rates-of-adult-participation-in-learning/ ... London: Department for Work and Pensions; 2017. 4 Trades Union Congress. Extending working lives - How to support older workers. London: TUC; 2021

  7. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    2017 2018 2019 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ffynhonnell: Learning & Work adult-participation-in-learning-survey/rates-of-adult-participation-in-learning/ ... London: Department for Work and Pensions; 2017. 4 Trades Union Congress. Extending working lives - How to support older workers. London: TUC; 2021

  8. Advocacy Counts

    providing advocacy support across Wales over the past two years. Age Cymru is particularly pleased to note the increase in the number of specialist advocacy providers, services and advocates specifically

  9. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    ystyrlon. Mae’r erthygl yn defnyddio canfyddiadau adroddiad ‘Promising approaches to tackling loneliness’ Age UK a’r Campaign to End Loneliness, a rhaglen ‘Testing Promising Approaches’ Age UK. Mae Robert ... Yn 2014, ymunom â’r Campaign to End Loneliness i ymchwilio i’r ‘hyn sy’n gweithio’ wrth helpu pobl hyˆ n i fynd i’r afael â’u hunigrwydd. Cyhoeddom ‘Promising Approaches to Reducing Loneliness’ yn 2015

  10. GTAP Programme documents

    page, we will share all of the Golden Thread Advocacy Programme documents that you might find useful to download. The role of an appropriate individual Briefing on Advocacy for Population Assessment Lead ... Professional Advocacy for Adults  under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 A toolkit to support the application of the Framework for Commissioning Independent Professional Advocacy for

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