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  1. Physical abuse

    water, friction burns, rope or electric appliance burns Multiple fractures Lacerations or abrasions to mouth, lips, gums, eyes, external genitalia Marks on body, including slap marks, finger marks Injuries

  2. Gwanwyn_bro_Welsh.pdf

    that waken memory, a lamplit room, groan of a wind-blown tree. A moment, and your whole life wakes to flow in Rose Madder, Ochre, Lapis, Indigo. Gillian Clarke Bardd Cenedlaethol Cymru 2008–2016 4 Life-Painting ... are tempted to set our bums down And feet up And to sit in comfort staring At the endless barren wastes of a screen And those black holes in it That are cosmic in dimensions And forever ready to suck out

  3. NHS services in Wales and help with health costs

    Regardless of age, very few people feel well all the time. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can get help when you’re ill, or if you just need advice about your health.

  4. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    ystyrlon. Mae’r erthygl yn defnyddio canfyddiadau adroddiad ‘Promising approaches to tackling loneliness’ Age UK a’r Campaign to End Loneliness, a rhaglen ‘Testing Promising Approaches’ Age UK. Mae Robert ... Yn 2014, ymunom â’r Campaign to End Loneliness i ymchwilio i’r ‘hyn sy’n gweithio’ wrth helpu pobl hyˆ n i fynd i’r afael â’u hunigrwydd. Cyhoeddom ‘Promising Approaches to Reducing Loneliness’ yn 2015

  5. Maniffesto 2021.pdf

    the road to recovery ... -cymruebrill-2019-i-mawrth-2020 Sefydliad Bevan (2019) Access to GPs. (xiii) Age Cymru (2020) Key findings of the

  6. Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi - Profiadau cyfredol pobl dros 50 oed yng Nghymru 2024.docx

    FreepostRLTL-KJTR-BYTT,GroundFloor,MarinersHouse,TridentCourt, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD or by email to oesangenrhagorogymortharnoch, cysylltwch â:Age Cymru Advice: 0300 303 44

  7. Prosiect Hawliau Dynol

    If you would like to access this information in English, please visit this page Rydym yn cydnabod nad yw’r wefan gyfan ar gael yn Gymraeg ar hyn o bryd ond rydym yn gweithio'n galed i newid hyn yn

  8. Beth sydd yn bwysig i chi.docx

    iwnyrAdran Gwaith a Phensiynauynuniongyrcholar 0800 99 1234 neu Beth sy’ndisgrifiosefyllfaeichcartreforau?o Rydwi’nberchenarfynhŷyngyfangwblo Rydwi’nprynutŷgydamorgais/

  9. Survey March 2024 WELSH v3.docx

    FreepostRLTL-KJTR-BYTT,GroundFloor,MarinersHouse,TridentCourt, East Moors Road, Cardiff CF24 5TD or by email to oesangenrhagorogymortharnoch, cysylltwch â:Age Cymru Advice: 0300 303 44

  10. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    o’r 15 cynllun peilot byd-eang i brofi a mireinio ‘Measuring the age-friendliness of cities: A guide to using the core indicators’. Hefyd, bu Cymru yn bartner gweithredol yn y rhwydwaith AFE-INNOVNET a ... erbyn 2020 ymlaen. Fel rhan o’r rhaglen hon, datblygodd Cynghrair Pobl Hŷn Cymru (COPA) ‘Introduction to co-producing age-friendly communities with older people in Wales’. Yn genedlaethol, mae rhaglen o seminarau

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