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  1. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter May 2021.pdf

    ofal rhywun annwyl iddynt? Neu efallai eu bod am wybod a ydynt yn gymwys am Gredyd Pensiwn ac eisiau help i'w hawlio? Gall Cyngor Age Cymru gynorthwyo gyda'r holl faterion hyn, a mwy - ffoniwch ni heddiw

  2. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    bawb ddealltwriaeth gwahanol am eirioli a hawliau dynol. Ar ddiwedd y pecyn rydym yn eich cyfeirio at adnoddau eraill a fedrwch eu defnyddio i ehangu eich gwybodaeth. Mae llawer o waith da yn cael ei ... driniaeth annynol neu ddiraddiol fod yn fwriadol ac yn fwriadus? 5. Gwir neu anwir. Mae eich hawl i barch at fywyd preifat a theuluol, cartref a gohebiaeth yn hawl gymwysedig, a gall fod yn gyfyngedig os yw’r

  3. How to challenge a benefit decision

    decision has been reconsidered, it replaces the original decision and your benefit could be: continued at the same amount increased reduced stopped altogether. You can ask the decision-maker for a mandatory ... original decision) if there is a good reason for doing so. This may be because there is a lot of money at stake, you have a particularly strong case, or there is a good reason why it was late, such as illness

  4. HOPE WELSH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    cefnogaeth, a bod yna fwy o angen nawr nag erioed am wasanaethau eiriolaeth. Mae’r nifer o atgyfeiriadau at wasanaethau eiriolaeth wedi dychwelyd i lefelau cyn Covid19 a thu hwnt. Er ein bod yn croesawu’r ... cleifion dros eu perthynas (person enwebedig arfaethedig). • Meini prawf cadw mwy cadarn a ddylai arwain at lai o gadw o dan y Ddeddf, yn enwedig ar gyfer pobl ag anabledd dysgu a phobl awtistig. • Gwell hawliau

  5. RISCA advocacy services - August 2018.pdf

    Approach to Statutory Advocacy Services for children includes a suite of commissioning tools which help key stakeholders to interpret terms within the regulations, such as “sufficient” numbers of staff ... treatment. We agree that this is appropriate at an organisational level, where it is a question of a service provider creating a situation which puts an individual at risk. However, adults with capacity are

  6. RB_Sept14_Pension_receipt_in_the_UK-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    Longitudinal Survey (Understanding Society). It includes an Ethnic Minority Boost Sample, designed to provide at least 1,000 individuals from five ethnic groups: Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Caribbean and African ... those who are married. Those with a degree as their highest educational qualification, owning one’s home outright and those who have ever worked show the lowest chances of being in receipt of the Pension

  7. Moving abroad or returning to the UK to live

    return to the UK permanently, think about these questions: Will you still get the income you receive at present when you return to the UK? How do prices and costs compare between countries? How will exchange

  8. Prosiect Hawliau Dynol

    â phobl hŷn ledled Cymru i ymgorffori'r neges bod pobl hŷn yn ddinasyddion ac yn cyfrannu tuag at y gymdeithas.  Dylent fod yn medru disgwyl bod eu hawliau dynol yn cael eu cynnal. Yn ystod cyfnod ... sicrhau bod ein barnau yn cael eu parchu." Er bod y prosiect wedi dod i ben yn swyddogol, mae parch at hawliau dynol yn rhan o bopeth a wnawn. Os ydych chi'n rhan o grŵp ac os hoffech i ni ddod i siarad

  9. BT’s Digital Switchover – Q & A

    long will the backup phones last in a power cut?   Ofcom requires telephone suppliers to provide at least one hour's worth of back-up.  However, BT provides up to four hours of back up via a battery ... matters develop.  In such cases it is best to contact your supplier by using the contact number at the top of your billing letter to find out more.   If you would like to share your experiences

  10. EnvisAGE_2019_cymraeg.pdf

    ngorfodi i wneud unrhyw weithgareddau nad ydw i’n addas iddyn nhw. Dylai pob person hŷn gael mynediad at eiriolwr os nad oes aelod addas o’r teulu ar gael.”* Gall gwasanaethau eirioli annibynnol chwarae rôl ... dydyn ni ddim hyd yn oed yn crafu’r wyneb.”* Mae pobl hŷn yn haeddu’r un parch, hawliau a mynediad at wasanaethau â gweddill y boblogaeth. Mae’n hanfodol bod pobl hŷn yn ymwybodol o’u hawliau ac yn gallu

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