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  1. Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid 19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod - Mehefin 2022.pdf

    Effaith ar iechyd emosiynol Effaith ar iechyd corfforol Mynediad at fwyd Mynediad at bresgripsiynau Cost byw Hawlio hawliau unigolyn Trafnidiaeth Sgamiau/camdriniaeth Mynediad at arian Arall 17 Profiadau ... cyfredol. Yn wir, mae costau byw wedi bod yn broblem sylweddol i bobl hŷn ymhell cyn Covid-19. ‘Mae cost cyfleustodau wedi cynyddu’n aruthrol. Rwy’n byw ar un cyflog ac roeddwn yn cael trafferth mynd o un

  2. Feeling lonely

    might help you try and find a way of feeling better.  Although it might not feel that way, if you're feeling lonely, remember you're not alone. That feeling of loneliness can hit us at any time ... I find someone to speak to? Talking to people is a great way to relive old memories and remind you of all the positive things in your life. When you feel lonely it can be tempting to think nobody would

  3. Age Cymru - Beth sy’n bwysig i chi - Gorffennaf 2024.pdf

    apwyntiadau sydd eu hangen arnynt. “Rydw i’n canslo apwyntiadau yn yr ysbyty gan nad ydw i’n gallu fforddio cost teithio a pharcio ar gyfer y daith o 90 milltir.” Mae nifer cynyddol o bobl hŷn yn byw gyda chyflyrau ... eraill ar gael. “Mae’r gwasanaeth bws yn anobeithiol. Does dim tacsis lleol yn yr ardal wledig. Mae cost cynnal hen gar yn cynyddu.” Clywsom y gall fod yn anodd cael tacsis neu gludiant â chymorth mewn rhai

  4. Fundraising events

    lots of ongoing support. Virgin Money London Marathon Anglesey Half Marathon Cardiff Half Marathon Gung-ho! Snowdonia Half Marathon Swansea Bay 10k Great North Run Challenge Event There are lots of different ... bike ride Tenby Long Course Weekend Snowdon multi activity challenge Trek to Machu Picchu Great Wall of China trek Skydive Velothon Wales Tough Mudder Three peak challenge Saundersfoot New Year's Day Swim

  5. Age Cymru - Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid-19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod - Mehefin 2022.pdf

    Effaith ar iechyd emosiynol Effaith ar iechyd corfforol Mynediad at fwyd Mynediad at bresgripsiynau Cost byw Hawlio hawliau unigolyn Trafnidiaeth Sgamiau/camdriniaeth Mynediad at arian Arall 17 Profiadau ... cyfredol. Yn wir, mae costau byw wedi bod yn broblem sylweddol i bobl hŷn ymhell cyn Covid-19. ‘Mae cost cyfleustodau wedi cynyddu’n aruthrol. Rwy’n byw ar un cyflog ac roeddwn yn cael trafferth mynd o un

  6. Making hospital discharge safe

    they leave. Or if the reason for being in hospital means a change in circumstances, this can mean lots of life adjustments and a need for care. This could be on a temporary basis or longer. For a change in ... discharge arrangements for older people in Wales factsheet Attendance Allowance Factsheet Treatment of property in the means test for permanent care home provision in Wales factsheet Paying for a care home

  7. Debt advice

    Anyone can get into debt, for a wide range of reasons, but try to remember that you’re not alone and it’s never too early or too late to seek help. Take the first steps to regain control and find your ... ends meet avoiding activities they used to enjoy asking to borrow money. If you’ve noticed any of these signs or think someone you know may be having problems with debt, encourage them to seek help

  8. Advocacy

    Age Cymru runs an advocacy project to help people participate and engage

  9. Advocacy newsletters

    documents, training, websites and news all about advocacy. If you would like to have an article or piece of information considered for inclusion in a future issue, please email the team   Advocacy Newsletter

  10. Finding and moving into a care home

    in Wales. The website receives information automatically from Care Inspectorate Wales (the regulator of care and social services in Wales) and directly from care home providers. You can use the website to

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