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  1. Ageism

    life. How are older people discriminated against? You may be fully aware that you have been subject to ageism, but in some situations it may not be so obvious. Although ageism is often seen as a workplace ... because of the organisation’s attitude to older people being refused a referral from a doctor to a consultant because you are ‘too old’ being refused membership to a club or trade association because of

  2. Home & care

    Whether you want to remain in your own home; are looking for help for an older relative; are weighing up housing options or seeking advice on paying for care, we can help you. For more information call

  3. Benefits and Entitlements

    Every year, it's estimated that up to £3.5 billion of state benefits in the UK goes unclaimed by older people. Could you be one of the people missing out? For more information call Age Cymru Advice on

  4. About us

    for older people in Wales. Our family includes local Age Cymru partners who provide vital services to older people in their area. Our national partners, Age NI   Age Scotland and Age UK . For more

  5. Arts in Care Homes

    people are living longer, this does not necessarily equate to living healthier. It’s vital that older people living in care homes have access to a range of cultural and artistic activities.  Policy ... ideas to help deliver artistic and creative activities in care homes. cARTrefu was Age Cymru’s flagship arts in care homes project that has been running since 2015. The aim of the project is to improve

  6. RB_Sept14_Neighbourhood_effects-ethnic_minorities.pdf

    (enclave) and deprivation) and pension protection among individuals from ethnic minority groups compared to the White British majority population. Key Points • The level of concentration of own-ethnic-group ... neighbourhood is negatively correlated with one’s likelihood to be in paid employment or being an employee. Furthermore, individuals are less likely to be members of an employer’s pension scheme if they live

  7. If you develop coronavirus symptons.pdf

    of taste or smell). • Let the person you’re supporting know as soon as possible that you’re not able to support them for at least two weeks. • Contact the other ‘Friend’ that supports that person. If you’re

  8. Walk and Talk Befriender

    supportive volunteer. Our Walk and Talk Befriender is a free service that aims to help older people who'd like to benefit from regular exercise but feel nervous going out by themselves. Our trained

  9. HOPE programme documents

    On this page, we will share all of the HOPE programme documents that you might find useful to download. If you require these documents in another language, please contact us Project leaflet - bilingual

  10. Walking Groups

    and walks at a pace comfortable for them. Our walks are short and over easy terrain. They are open to everyone, but are especially aimed at those who are least active. Walking has many great benefits from ... makes you happy. Our volunteers will provide a safe, sociable and fun environment. You'll have a chance to make new friends, encourage each other, develop a network of supportive fellow walkers and discover

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