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  1. EnvisAGE

    wellbeing. Laura Tipper of Veterans NHS Wales provides an overview of the specialised priority service to improve the mental health and wellbeing of veterans. Claire Morgan and Jane Healey of Carers Wales ... carers can be negatively impacted by their caring role. The article by Sara Walters features the Roots to Recovery project delivered in partnership between Mind Pembrokeshire and Carmarthen and Pembrokeshire

  2. Contact the team

    Dementia Advocate, Powys Email If you wish to make a referral to the Dementia Advocacy team, please download our referral form and email the completed form to us.

  3. Financial abuse

    the adult with no apparent return Abrupt changes to or creation of wills Unpaid bills, rent and other accumulation of debt when someone is supposed to be paying the bills on behalf of an adult who needs ... support Lack of adequate provisions, clothing and other possessions that the person should be able to afford Undue pressure and coercion in connection with financial expenditure The adult who needs care

  4. Support groups and charities.pdf

    support groups that are relevant to them. This could help them get support for a health condition or help them connect with people from a similar background to them to combat isolation and loneliness. ... modern slavery. Diverse Cymru Diverse Cymru is a unique Welsh charity committed to supporting people faced with inequality and discrimination because of: age, disability, gender reassignment

  5. Walking Groups

    and walks at a pace comfortable for them. Our walks are short and over easy terrain. They are open to everyone, but are especially aimed at those who are least active. Walking has many great benefits from ... makes you happy. Our volunteers will provide a safe, sociable and fun environment. You'll have a chance to make new friends, encourage each other, develop a network of supportive fellow walkers and discover

  6. Cookies

    Read Age Cymru's policy on using cookies, including a list of cookies we use on our website.

  7. Hospital discharge arrangements for older people in Wales

    and arranging your discharge from hospital. This includes the processes which should be followed to ensure that people receive appropriate further assistance once they have left hospital – be

  8. Advocacy Counts

    providing advocacy support across Wales over the past two years. Age Cymru is particularly pleased to note the increase in the number of specialist advocacy providers, services and advocates specifically

  9. GTAP Programme documents

    page, we will share all of the Golden Thread Advocacy Programme documents that you might find useful to download. The role of an appropriate individual Briefing on Advocacy for Population Assessment Lead ... Professional Advocacy for Adults  under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 A toolkit to support the application of the Framework for Commissioning Independent Professional Advocacy for

  10. Age Cymru - Avoiding slips, trips and falls leaflet - Welsh.pdf

    grwpiau cymorth lleol ar golli golwg. Ffôn: 029 2045 0440 E-bost: Action on Hearing Loss Cymru Maent yn darparu ystod o wasanaethau, cyngor a gwybodaeth mewn perthynas â cholli

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