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  1. National Falls Awareness week

    Age Cymru is working in partnership with Age Connects Wales and Care & Repair Cymru to lead a public awareness campaign all about falls.

  2. Supporting good mental health in care homes

    residents. It’s also consistently reported that major life events are a precipitating factor for most psychiatric disorders. Moving to live in a care home is a significant event in any person’s

  3. Frequently asked questions

    Why not take a look at our frequently asked questions about leaving a legacy to Age Cymru

  4. FS46w - Welsh.pdf

    bellach gweler Taflen Ffeithiau 55 gan Age UK, sef Carer’s Allowance a’r canllaw gwybodaeth, Advice for carers. 11.4 Credyd Pensiwn Mae Credyd Pensiwn (PC) yn dibynnu ar brawf modd. Mae cymhwyster yn seiliedig ... oed Pensiwn y Wladwriaeth ar, neu cyn, 6 Ebrill 2016. Gweler Taflen Ffeithiau 48 gan Age UK, sef Pension Credit am wybodaeth bellach. 40 Er enghraifft, ceir swm ychwanegol

  5. Rebecca Phillips - Volunteer Officer

    Meet Rebecca Phillips, Age Cymru's Volunteer Officer and find out what her roles involved and how it makes a difference to older people in Wales.

  6. Independent Professional Advocacy CYMRAEG - March 2020.pdf

    eiriolaeth yn hyrwyddo cynhwysiad cymdeithasol, cydraddoldeb a chyfiawnder cymdeithasol.” (Action for Advocacy, 2002)9. 4 Rhwystrau Ym Mhennod 12 mae’r Cod hefyd yn egluro: “Pa rwystrau sy’n gallu effeithio ... 7 8 9 Roedd Action for Advocacy yn sefydliad ymbarél ar gyfer darparwyr eiriolaeth yng Nghymru a Lloegr, a ddaeth i ben yn

  7. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf

    ffoniwch linell gais Credyd Pensiwn ar 0800 99 1234, neu ewch i how-to-claim. Gallwch chi hefyd gysylltu â Chyngor Age Cymru. Os

  8. Cookies

    Read Age Cymru's policy on using cookies, including a list of cookies we use on our website.

  9. Age_Cymru_thinking_about_end_of_life_CYM.pdf Hospice UK Yr elusen genedlaethol ar gyfer gofal hosbis, sy’n cefnogi gwaith dros 200 o sefydliadau sy’n aelodau. Ffôn: 020 7520 8200 40 Meddwl am ddiwedd eich oes Cymdeithas

  10. Community Calculator - Welsh.pdf

    lleoedd a chyfleusterau i bobl hŷn gwrdd • Angen hyrwyddo gweithgareddau yn well. 13 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of respondents Information and advice Excellent 9-10 Good 7-8 Fair 4-6 Poor

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