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  1. Commissioning IPA Toolkit Welsh Oct 19.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Pecyn cymorth i gefnogi’r broses o gymhwyso’r fframwaith ar gyfer Comisiynu Eiriolaeth Broffesiynol Annibynnol i Oedolion o dan Ddeddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) ... (Cymru) 2014 Tudalen gynnwys Cyflwyniad ac Amcanion y Pecyn Cymorth 2 Sut i ddefnyddio’r Pecyn Cymorth 3 1 Mwy am eiriolaeth 4 2 Y gofynion a’r gweithdrefnau deddfwriaethol 8 3 Yr amgylchiadau pan fydd

  2. Take action 09023.pdf

    isn’t an inevitable part of ageing Did you know that many of us start to feel a bit unsteady on our feet or worry about falling. But there are simple things we can do to help avoid a slip or fall. Take

  3. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    Cyflwyniad Hawliau sylfaenol yw hawliau dynol sy’n perthyn i bob un ohonom oherwydd ein bod yn ddynol. Maent yn ymgorffori’r gwerthoedd allweddol sy’n sail i’n cymdeithas megis tegwch, urddas, cydraddoldeb a pharch ... hyn yn rhoi pŵer inni ac yn ein galluogi ni i godi ein lleisiau a herio triniaeth wael gan awdurdod cyhoeddus. Wrth i ni heneiddio, mae gennym hawl o hyd i’r un hawliau dynol ag y cawsom ein geni gyda

  4. Sign-up to receive a friendship call

    register for a friendship call. If you're experiencing any problems with the form below, please go direct to the sign-up form  If you'd prefer, there is a Word document at the bottom of the page for you ... instructed at the bottom of the form. Friendship call registration form Alternatively, please call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98 and speak to a member of our team who will take some details from you

  5. Bywyd ar incwm isel - FINAL - W.pdf

    lle cânt eu gorfodi i ddewis rhwng hanfodion sylfaenol yn ddyddiol er mwyn cadw deupen llinyn ynghyd. Er hynny, mae enghreifftiau gwirioneddol yn yr adroddiad hwn o sut beth yw bywyd i bobl hyˆn sy’n byw ... o gyrraedd yno, y tu hwnt iddyn nhw. Mae rhai eraill yn lleihau faint o bethau y maent yn eu prynu i’w hunain gan eu bod nhw eisiau cynnal eu teuluoedd yn ariannol neu brynu anrhegion ar gyfer eu hwyrion

  6. FS10w - Welsh.pdf

    Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014, ynghyd â chanllawiau ar y Côd Ymarfer – perthnasedd i'r system gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru 7 2.1 Darpariaeth gwybodaeth, cyngor ac eiriolaeth gan awdurdodau ... gofal 11 3.1 Asesu anghenion a chymhwyster ar gyfer gwasanaethau 11 3.2 Talu am le mewn cartref gofal i ddiwallu eich anghenion gofal cymwys – trosolwg 12 4 Y ‘terfyn cyfalaf’ a phrofion modd ariannol ar

  7. Supporting you Bookmark(ew5).pdf

    have been or are at risk of being harmed Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436 ©Age Cymru 2017 Advocacy: Supporting you to be informed, heard and involved An advocate can help you to: 08000 223 444 ... mewn cyfarfodydd fel bod eich barn yn cael ei ystyried Dweud beth sy’n bwysig i chi mewn cyfarfodydd, neu eistedd wrth eich ymyl i’ch cefnogi Deall eich opsiynau Gwneud eich penderfyniadau eich hunan Bod yn

  8. How to challenge a benefit decision

    can ask for a mandatory reconsideration. Only after the outcome of a mandatory reconsideration can you make an appeal. Most decisions about benefits for older people are made by the Department for Work and ... a decision notice, which tells you the outcome of your claim and will outline your appeal rights. You can’t appeal a decision unless a decision maker (for example the DWP or local authority) has first had

  9. CRS_June16_JCHR_inquiry_Business_and_Human_Rights_submission.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice ... this call for evidence The Joint Committee on Human Rights, chaired by Rt Hon Harriet Harman MP, announced an inquiry into human rights and business on 16th June 2016. The inquiry’s terms of reference

  10. Age Cymru Advice

    their own lives with easy access to the information and advice they need to help make that a reality.  Our Statement of Service contains more information about how Age Cymru Advice can help.  Statement ... Statement of Service If you want to talk to someone directly, call us on 0300 303 44 98 (charged at a local rate) Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm. You can also email us at:

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