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  1. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    arolygwyd yn pryderu am unigrwydd wrth fynd yn hŷn a gwelodd adroddiad gan RVS (Royal Voluntary Service) fod bron tri chwarter o bobl dros 75 oed a arolygwyd sy’n byw ar eu pennau eu hunain yn teimlo’n ... bobl yng Nghymru rhwng 19/02/2010 a 23/02/2010 (heb ei gyhoeddi) 2 Age UK (2011) A Snapshot of Ageism in the UK and across Europe. 3 Office of National Statistics (2013) Labour Market Statistics Rhagfyr 2013

  2. Survey Outline Covid 19 v4.pdf

    Experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales during the Covid-19 lockdown This survey is for people aged 50 or over across Wales, and is being undertaken by key organisations that represent older ... This survey will take 15 minutes to complete. Your response is anonymous. Thank you for your support in completing this survey. A. Lockdown A1. During the lockdown I was part of a shielded group  Yes

  3. Changes to the benefit system

    You may have heard that some welfare benefits have been changing in the last few years. Find out on this page how these changes might affect you. Universal Credit has been rolled out nationally and replaces ... change in the amount of capital you have stopping claiming a benefit that helps you qualify for Pension Credit or Housing Benefit separating from your partner and then getting back together. In these circumstances

  4. Action plan.docx

    Action PlanShopping Paying for goods and services Being scam aware Picking up prescriptions Unpaid carers Current Welsh Guidance Accessing help for other, non-COVID-19, health issues If you’re concerned

  5. Become a corporate partner

    to work with us to help make a real difference to the lives of these older people. Working together in partnership, we can make a difference. Ways we can work together As a corporate partner, there are

  6. Advocacy newsletters

    about advocacy. If you would like to have an article or piece of information considered for inclusion in a future issue, please email the team   Advocacy Newsletter - October 2023 Advocacy Newsletter

  7. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    hon: ( socialcareworkforce/2020/12/10/toolkit-for-reflection-on-human-rights-in-the-context-ofsocial-care.) Maent hefyd wedi cynhyrchu gweithgaredd myfyriol y gallwch roi cynnig arno ... canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn. Mae’r egwyddorion allweddol hyn yn cael eu benthyg o’r ddogfen ‘Getting In On The Act’, a ddatblygwyd gan Age Cymru, mewn partneriaeth ag Anabledd Cymru, Prifysgol Abertawe a’r

  8. Feeling lonely

    just pass. But, maybe there is a reason, or maybe it's just not passing this time. However it features in your life, and however it makes you feel, there are things you can do to feel less lonely.   Knowing ... you're feeling lonely, remember you're not alone. That feeling of loneliness can hit us at any time in life, often unexpectedly, even if it seems as though we're surrounded by friends and family. Whatever

  9. Physical abuse

    patterns or reflecting the shape of an article Burns, especially on soles, palms or back; from immersion in hot water, friction burns, rope or electric appliance burns Multiple fractures Lacerations or abrasions

  10. Forum Resource Manual

    Older people’s forums can influence a wide range of issues in their communities. We are encouraging older people to develop forums as a way to share views, develop local agendas and shape how communities

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