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  1. RB_Oct15_Age_UK_almanac.pdf

    necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR, Age UK or the Department of Health. The team hold a licence to analyse CPRD data and this work was carried out under approved protocol 12_017A4 (June 2015). Acknowledgements ... Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care for the South West Peninsula supported this project to obtain access to the CPRD database. ii Contents Introduction ..........................................

  2. Spring Forward Gold

    natural environment. The sessions will use specially trained Forest Arts practitioners to encourage older people to develop their own nature-inspired creative skills. The course, which starts on Friday ... Maesteg Welfare Park. The sessions will be held every Friday between 10am and 12pm and people are free to do as many sessions as they want throughout the season. Funded by Natural Resources Wales Resilient

  3. Life on a low income

    eating during the winter, while others do not eat a satisfying meal each day because they cannot afford to. In Wales, an estimated 84,000 older people live in poverty, with 50,000 of those in ‘severe’ poverty ... services, supported by welfare benefits advice, can make a substantial difference to the lives of older people. Up to a third of available financial support for older people goes unclaimed and pensioner

  4. Basic State Pension (before 2016)

    important, not when you start to claim it. If you were born after the above dates and therefore reach State Pension age after 5 April 2016, the new State Pension rules will apply to you. The old State Pension ... contributions that were credited to you if you were unable to work - for example, if you were caring for a child or disabled person, or claiming certain benefits. If you’re eligible to claim a Basic State Pension

  5. If you’re concerned about someone.pdf

    someone’s life is at risk) If you’re worried about someone’s mental health, you can encourage them to get help and support from Every Mind Matters. They can also get support from: C.A.L.L. Helpline (Community ... including voluntary and charitable organisations. It’s available on 0800 132 737, or by texting ‘help’ to 81066. Alternatively, they can visit the C.A.L.L. website. Or If people are experiencing severe distress:

  6. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    gweladwy neu sy’n dirgrynu. Am fwy o wybodaeth am hyn, cysylltwch â Chyngor Age Cymru neu Action on Hearing Loss Cymru (gweler sefydliadau defnyddiol ar tudalen 21). Gwnewch bob dydd Mawrth yn ‘Ddydd Mawrth ... Yn yr Alban, cysylltwch â Age Scotland: 0800 124 4222 Action on Hearing Loss Yr elusen fwyaf yng Nghymru sy’n taclo colled clyw. Llinell gymorth ddi-dâl: 0808 808 0123

  7. Walk and Talk Befriender

    supportive volunteer. Our Walk and Talk Befriender is a free service that aims to help older people who'd like to benefit from regular exercise but feel nervous going out by themselves. Our trained

  8. Psychological or emotional abuse

    deliberately isolating the adult who needs care and support, and refusing without good reason to allow them to see other people without them being present Hesitation in, and fear of, talking openly about

  9. Senior Management Team

    The Senior Management team works closely with the Trustees to carry out the day-to-day running of Age Cymru. Vicki Lloyd, Chief Executive Vicki joined Help the Aged’s policy team in 2006; she was ... December 2007, she worked for Lloyds Bank for more than 18 years. The move from the commercial sector to the third sector was huge but a move that Amanda hasn’t ever looked back on. Amanda has been

  10. HOPE programme documents

    On this page, we will share all of the HOPE programme documents that you might find useful to download. If you require these documents in another language, please contact us Project leaflet - bilingual

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