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  1. Rebecca Phillips - Volunteer Officer

    develop and gain confidence and building new friendships What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming involved with volunteering? Give it a go, it’s fun and we will support you along the way,

  2. Advocacy

    Age Cymru runs an advocacy project to help people participate and engage

  3. Fundraising events

    lots of ongoing support. Virgin Money London Marathon Anglesey Half Marathon Cardiff Half Marathon Gung-ho! Snowdonia Half Marathon Swansea Bay 10k Great North Run Challenge Event There are lots of different ... bike ride Tenby Long Course Weekend Snowdon multi activity challenge Trek to Machu Picchu Great Wall of China trek Skydive Velothon Wales Tough Mudder Three peak challenge Saundersfoot New Year's Day Swim

  4. Debt advice

    Anyone can get into debt, for a wide range of reasons, but try to remember that you’re not alone and it’s never too early or too late to seek help. Take the first steps to regain control and find your ... ends meet avoiding activities they used to enjoy asking to borrow money. If you’ve noticed any of these signs or think someone you know may be having problems with debt, encourage them to seek help

  5. Making hospital discharge safe

    they leave. Or if the reason for being in hospital means a change in circumstances, this can mean lots of life adjustments and a need for care. This could be on a temporary basis or longer. For a change in ... discharge arrangements for older people in Wales factsheet Attendance Allowance Factsheet Treatment of property in the means test for permanent care home provision in Wales factsheet Paying for a care home

  6. Advocacy newsletters

    documents, training, websites and news all about advocacy. If you would like to have an article or piece of information considered for inclusion in a future issue, please email the team   Advocacy Newsletter

  7. Leave a legacy

    ones are cared for. But through your will you can also leave something special to the many thousands of older people in Wales who have no one to turn to when times get tough. Gifts in wills are vital to ...  he was terribly worried and distressed. He called Age Cymru Advice and we advised Emlyn of various energy efficiency grants that can help with repairs or updating his heating

  8. State Pension

    regular payment made to you by the government once you reach State Pension age. There are two types of State Pension and both are based on your previous National Insurance contribution record. In 2016, ... The basic State Pension Use our chart to find out which state pension you should claim: Gender Date of birth Pension Female Before 6 April 1953 Basic State Pension Female After 5 April 1953 New State Pension

  9. TV licence concessions

    50% discount on your licence. If you live with someone else, the licence will need to be in the name of the person who is blind or sight-impaired to get the discount. If you’re living in a care home ... warden or administrator to find out whether your care home or sheltered housing qualifies for this type of licence. If you’re aged 75 or over and recieve Pension Credit , you need to apply for a free

  10. Finding and moving into a care home

    in Wales. The website receives information automatically from Care Inspectorate Wales (the regulator of care and social services in Wales) and directly from care home providers. You can use the website to

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