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  1. Board of Trustees

    2018 from her post as Corporate Procurement and Contracts Manager at Conwy County Borough Council where she was responsible for delivery of contracting for all directorates within the authority. The role ... public and non-profit sectors. He was a main board director with Companies House between 1992 and 2017 where he was responsible for strategic leadership of the organisation’s finances, IT, procurement

  2. Help an older person this Winter

    This winter, more than ever, let’s come together and look out for each other. There are plenty of simple, practical things we can do to help each other this winter. Top 6 things you can do to ... the healthcare they need.  We know lots of people are worried about going to their GP or seeking help for health concerns. Healthcare services are open and ready to help, so check in with the people

  3. Pension Credit

    Even if you own your home, you may still be eligible for Pension Credit. Nearly 9 out of 10 claims are successful and 2.5 million households across the UK receive Pension Credit. Can I get Guarantee Credit ... you've reached State Pension age (as of April 2021, this is 66 for both men and women).  If you are unsure when you will be able to recieve your State Pension, you can check by using GOV.UK's State Pension

  4. Basic State Pension (before 2016)

    contributions. There are two different systems for claiming State Pension. The information on this page applies if you reached State Pension age on or before 5 April 2016 , that is, if you are: a woman born on ... claimed certain benefits  Can I claim State Pension and carry on working? Yes, you can, but here are some things you should bear in mind: Any money you earn won’t affect your State Pension, but

  5. RB_March14_Toynbee_Hall_Later_older_age.pdf

    Significantly, our research found that our financial resilience in later old age depends, not on how old we are, but on three key determinants: the availability of family support; our personal socio-economic background; ... technology. These highly personalised factors interact with any particular agerelated constraints we are now experiencing in later old age to shape our quality of life and lifestyle. And, of course, these

  6. Feeling lonely

    just not passing this time. However it features in your life, and however it makes you feel, there are things you can do to feel less lonely.   Knowing what can affect your mental wellbeing might help ... surrounded by friends and family. Whatever might be making you feel lonely, we are here to help. What can cause loneliness? There are different reasons why you might be feeling lonely – perhaps you’ve

  7. Claudette Ward

    enquiring about Nordic Walking surprisingly enough quite a few people have come along and joined us. There are so many lonely people out there, reaching out to them is great. What do you enjoy most about your volunteering ... is you enjoy doing, come along and become a volunteer. It will make you feel good knowing that you are making a difference. It will also give you a good feeling of wellbeing.

  8. Help us tackle loneliness

    And we need your help. Age Cymru, along with our sister charities in Northern Ireland and Scotland, are also getting behind the campaign, and encouraging people across Wales to donate your words by pledging ... Age UK, some of the actions that would help older people feel more confident when outside the home are: Knowing my neighbours (35%) Someone asking me how my day is going (22%) A neighbour stopping to say

  9. Debt advice

    control and find your way back to a debt-free life. It could be time to get help with your debt if you are: regularly worrying about money struggling to pay your household bills or paying them with credit relying ... You may have noticed a family member or friend acting differently. These signs may indicate they are having problems with debt: hiding post being unusually secretive about money and finances getting phone

  10. How to leave a legacy

    Codicil form for Age Cymru Why should I leave a gift in will to Age Cymru? Gifts left to Age Cymru are absolutely vital to our work. They enable us to run our essential services for older people - including ... do would not be possible without gifts in wills. What type of gift can I leave to Age Cymru? There are three main types of gift you can make.  A residuary gift  is a percentage of your estate

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