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  1. Why are we still waiting? Delays in social care in Wales

    This is Age Cymru’s second annual report on delays in access to social care in Wales for people aged 55 and over. Last year our dementia advocacy project, HOPE (Helping others participate and engage) ... older people being assessed by social care for their needs, as well as delays in sourcing care packages once an assessment had been completed. A year on we wanted to know if the changes local authorities told

  2. Age Cymru Physical Activity leaflet.pdf Registered Charity 1128436 Physical activity 32 Is it right for me? It is never too late to start being more physically active. You can benefit from physical activity, whatever your ... in regular physical activity even if you’ve been inactive for a while. You will notice the difference as soon as you begin. You don’t need to buy new or expensive clothing. Just wear loose, comfortable

  3. Keeping well at home.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Keeping well at home There are number of things that people can do to help stay mentally and physically well whilst at home. As a ‘Friend’ you could help the person you’re ... important for their physical and mental health, to keep moving. Whether that’s turning on their favourite song and dancing, undertaking housework with a bit more gusto, or finding a workout that works for them

  4. How your company can help Age Cymru

    Help Age Cymru to be there for older people during these uncertain times.  The support and services we provide is now more vital than ever, so we need your company to help us be there for the millions ... turning to Age Cymru for support, and we are working around the clock to be there for the people who need us. Unfortunately, these same challenges are also threatening our local services, due to the immense

  5. Get involved

    There are many ways you can get involved and support Age Cymru. Please help us to be there for older people in Wales. We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator Read their fundraising promise

  6. IICSA Presentation Advocacy Conference 2019 .pdf

    Inquiry for Wales Emma Lewis VSCP Welsh Advocacy Conference Public Hearings Public Hearings Key facts about the Inquiry ● Set up in 2015 to investigate organisations and institutions that have failed to protect ... by a Victims and Survivors’ Consultative Panel ● Independent of government ● Does not have the power to convict people of criminal offences, determine civil liability or award compensation ● Inquiry has

  7. Join Age Cymru's Older People's Network

    Sign up now for email updates and much more. You can join our network of more than 700 older people and receive free email updates and information bulletins from the Engagement Team. As a member of the ... you can also respond to consultations, surveys and questionnaires receive information to attend events, conferences and seminars have your say on issues affecting older people For more information, please

  8. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    topics related to, or affected by, COVID-19. The three main areas for the public cover: • Self-isolating (for households with possible or proven coronavirus infection) • Social distancing (for everyone) • ... • Shielding (for people identified by the Government as ‘extremely vulnerable’) Available at: Summaries of each of the above are as follows: Guidance:

  9. Random acts of kindness

    random act of kindness is a selfless act performed by someone to either help or make a stranger or someone you know smile, for no reason other than to make people happy. We recently asked older people what sort ... make a huge difference to their day. Random acts of kindness Ask if we'd like to meet for coffee and a chat A phone call to see if I’m alright Fetching something of the top shelf for me in the supermarket

  10. 03_cherry_on_top_DIGITAL.pdf

    cherry on top knitted cupcake hat Want to go on Bake Off but haven’t got the cake-making skills to back it up? Well, now’s your chance to knit your sweet treats instead and save yourself the washing up ... row 1: (K1,P1) repeat to the end of the row. row 2: (K1,P1) repeat to the end of the row. These two rows form the rib. Continue until you have worked 12 rows. row 13: Change to pink. K1 (M1, K5), abbreviations:

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