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  1. Contact Age Cymru

    We're currently experiencing a very high number of enquiries to our service which means we cannot respond to people as quickly as we’d like to. At present, there is a two week delay in responding ... letter. Please be aware that during busy times, you may have to wait in the queue before your call is answered.  Write to us You can write to us at: Age Cymru Ground Floor Mariners House Trident Court

  2. CRS_Sept15_CMS_Committee_broadband.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... and the electorate. It is inviting written evidence for its inquiry into the coverage, delivery and performance of superfast broadband in the UK. 1. Introduction 1.1 Age UK is the country's largest charity

  3. Cooling down.pdf

    Cooling down It is important to include some cooling down activities at the end of each session to make sure your participants are relaxed and revitalised and that their bodies have returned to a pre-activity ... pre-activity state. Mobilising exercises from the warm up can be included here and should be done at a slower pace. Stretches for the main muscles shown should be included using the following guidelines:  Take

  4. Maniffesto 2021.pdf

    byw yn ddiogel, yn rhydd o wahaniaethu ac yn cymryd rhan weithredol yn eu cymuned; mae a wnelo ein prif bryder â’r bobl hynny sydd bellaf oddi wrth brofi neu wireddu bywyd diweddarach da. Mae yna wahaniaethau ... gwell nag eraill. Ar hyn o bryd, mae bywyd hyd yn oed yn fwy cyfyngedig a llwm i’r rhai sydd ar begwn llai dethol y sbectrwm, a dyma’r bobl hŷn y poenwn fwyaf amdanynt. Yn etholiad y Senedd rydym eisiau

  5. Population Assessment Leads Briefing_E(2).pdf

    Practice (Advocacy) (“the Code”) under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (“the Act”). It is intended as an additional resource alongside those provided in the Strategic Considerations section ... Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. 2 The Code The Code establishes that advocacy has a key role in supporting vulnerable people to fully participate in social services processes, giving them

  6. 20190905 Increasing notice period for 'no fault eviction' - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Consultation Response Increasing the minimum notice period for a ‘no fault eviction’ Welsh Government September 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older ... access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them

  7. Role Description - Administrative Assistant (Age Alliance).pdf

    to oversee organisation of work from plan to execution. x • A confident and positive approach to handling interaction with others by using a full range of interpersonal skills (eg tact, diplomacy, negotiation ... co-ordination skills. x • Ability to work flexibly and pro-actively on own initiative and also as part of a team. x • Ability to speak Welsh. x Essential Desirable Knowledge • Working knowledge of Microsoft

  8. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation_Outcome_Impact_Map.pdf

    internet  36% of people aged 65 and over in the UK feel out of touch with the pace of modern life  Over a third (34%) of people aged 65+ in Great Britain feel lonely  Traditional means of engaging with government ... for 16-24 year olds is at 1.02 million, the highest unemployment record in 19 year  Economically inactive young people who are not pursuing any studies or training are regarded as a socially excluded group

  9. CRS_Jan15_FCA_Cash_savings_market_study_report.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... rate accounts should not be given names suggesting premium rates of return. 3. We support the idea of a “switching box” (paragraph 9.29), particularly its use of large type for the essential numbers and short

  10. Age Cymru - Final report - Supporting good mental health of older adults in care homes- March 2023 - Website.pdf

    28 29 Recommendations ………………………………………………………………………… • • • • • • • • • • • 30 Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in Wales and England 6837284

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