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  1. Managing your money in Winter

    lag the hot-water tank and pipes, and consider getting cavity-wall insulation Have your heating system serviced every year and check that it's working before the cold weather starts. If you rent your

  2. FS68.pdf

    (for example, using your home for a criminal activity or behaving in a way that causes harassment, alarm, or distress to other people in the local community): In these cases, you may have a prohibited conduct ... management grounds’. Examples are given below (not an exhaustive list): 9 This replaces the old system of ‘section 21’ notices for no fault evictions under the old legislation, prior to the introduction

  3. CRS_Sept15_Strengthening_incentive_to_save.pdf

    quo; secondly, switching to a single rate of tax relief for all savers; and thirdly, switching to a system where pension contributions are made from gross salary, but are then received as tax-free income ... saving.  We are, however, strongly opposed to the suggested change to a taxed-exemptexempt (TEE) system. This is for several reasons, including: o 48 per cent of people aged 65+ do not pay any income tax

  4. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    today In January 2013, in response to pressure from Age UK and others for reform of the pensions systems, the Government published a White Paper containing proposals for a simpler and fairer deal on State ... encouraging steps forward in terms of the Care and Support Bill there is still much to do to make the system fit for purpose. We believe that all older people should be able to access the help they need to

  5. RB_Feb16_Are_We_Ready_For_The_Next_Crisis.pdf

    Recommendations 1. Join up essential services better • The energy industry should work towards a ‘tell us once’ system in which suppliers and network operators share customer vulnerability data (with consent), so that ... extend to other essential services, including water and telecommunications. • This ‘tell us once’ system should enable people cut off in a crisis to give emergency notice to all their utilities providers

  6. GIFTS_guide.pdf

    Grant Management System Age UK Grants Management System – GIFTS Online System Guide for Applicants and Grantees July 2018 v1.4 - July 2018 Age UK Grant Management System Introduction to GIFTS ... management from receipt of proposal through to monitoring and evaluation and finally to closure. The system facilitates the collection and tracking of qualitative / quantitative information needed for assessment

  7. IL5.pdf

    security arrangements are in place to make sure residents are safe? Is there a resident’s call-bell system? n Does the home use signs or pictures to show where things are? n Can residents choose their routine

  8. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    services can improve older people’s lives in a cost-effective way, but individuals need a way into the system, for example through their GP, to support their social, emotional and practical needs. • Devolving ... with further areas coming on stream soon. This model places the older person at the centre of the system, but complements the necessary professional input with volunteer support to tackle issues such as

  9. RB_Feb16_Older_people_and_power_loss_floods_and_storms.pdf

    Recommendations 1. Join up essential services better • The energy industry should work towards a ‘tell us once’ system in which suppliers and network operators share customer vulnerability data (with consent), so that ... extend to other essential services, including water and telecommunications. • This ‘tell us once’ system should enable people cut off in a crisis to give emergency notice to all their utilities providers

  10. Spotlight on employment and older workers event held on Tuesday 31 January 2023

    is particularly needed against a backdrop of technological change. To help, we have expanded the system of flexible and personal learning to develop adaptable skills to increase workforce resilience, and

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