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  1. Executive summary - Age Cymru -Why are we still waiting- Delays in social care in Wales – July 2023.pdf

    access to social care. Conclusions 1. A picture is emerging of a less healthy population in Wales after the main pandemic period, as can be seen in the large increase in the number of older people approaching ... Delays in social care in Wales - July 2023 Recommendations Recommendation 1 Welsh Government should work with local authorities to ensure that reporting mechanisms are capturing information consistently

  2. FS12.pdf

    of 32 Factsheet 12 Planning your retirement: money and tax May 2024 Inside this factsheet This factsheet looks at common money and tax issues connected with retirement, including dealing with pensions ... for people from age 50, although the information is relevant to people looking at planning their retirement at any age. The following factsheets may also be of interest: ⚫ FS19 State Pension ⚫ FS91 Pension

  3. Cold Weather Payment

    Cold Weather Payment, you’ll be paid automatically after each 7 day period of cold weather. You should receive your payment within 14 working days. Contact your pension centre or Jobcentre Plus office

  4. RB_Sept14_Ethnicity_and_occupational_pension.pdf

    patterns of employment and the determinants of membership in an employer’s pension scheme among working-age individuals from minority ethnic groups and the White British population. Key Points • Among ... Coming from an ethnic minority reduces one’s chances of working for an employer who offers a pension scheme, while, once an individual is working for an employer who offers a pension scheme, the effect

  5. CRS_Nov17_women_and_equalities_select_committee.pdf

    inquiry into older workers in order to examine the effectiveness of the Department for Work and Pensions Fuller Working Lives strategy, and the role of employers in supporting this agenda. Key points and ... support for people to work longer – particularly those in lower-skilled roles – should be a top priority across Government.  We continue to support the aims of the Fuller Working Lives strategy, and believe

  6. RB_15_Age_Opportunity_Best_Practice_Guide_for_Recruiters.pdf

    Confederation Age opportunity A best practice guide for recruiters An ageing population, the end of forced retirement and a rising State Pension age, mean there is a growing number of over 50s in the jobs market. ... for Older Workers, Department for Work and Pensions (2015) Employing Older Workers: An employer’s guide to multi-generational workforce, Department for Work and Pensions (2013) DWP

  7. Legacy A4 Brochure_English (WEB).pdf

    83 I found it tiring and as my mobility was getting worse I had to use a walker to support myself. After talking to the advisor I was told that because of a number of medical conditions I had I would be ... encourage anyone to pop in and have a chat as it could change their life.” By lobbying, campaigning and working with our local partners to deliver services, we make a real difference. We provide hospital discharge

  8. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - English lang.pdf

    information guides 6 Age Cymru shops 7 Money matters 8 Health and wellbeing 14 Home and care 17 Work and learning 20 Travel and lifestyle 22 Free factsheets 24 4 Information and advice Introduction ... charity for older people in Wales, and our vision is for a world in which older people flourish. Our work involves the provision of life-enhancing services, supporting the market in the development of products

  9. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    homes 13 Integrating housing with health and social care 19 Building for the future – sheltered and retirement housing 27 Housing wealth and housing choices 35 Notes 41 Age UK is a charity that aims to improve ... through our information and advice, services, campaigns, products, training and research. In the UK we work closely with our partners Age Scotland, Age NI, Age Cymru and the many local Age UKs and older people’s

  10. CRS_Sept14_CMA_residential_property_management_services.pdf

    reduce bad practice by managing agents. These have had limited success in reaching all parts of the retirement housing market.  There needs to be an overall improvement in the delivery of advice and information ... with the leasehold system disempower all residents and increase their costs. The status quo tends to work in favour of providers, rather than in the best interests of residents. There 3 should be a greater

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