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  1. Tracing old pensions

    Tracing old pensions

  2. Complaining about NHS services

    Information about making an NHS complaint, what to include, and how to get support to make it.

  3. NHS services in Wales and help with health costs

    Regardless of age, very few people feel well all the time. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can get help when you’re ill, or if you just need advice about your health.

  4. Protection from abuse

    Elder abuse can take many forms, including financial, emotional, physical and sexual. Find out what elder abuse is and some examples of abuse.

  5. Loneliness

    Age Cymru are here to help those overcome loneliness. Find out what causes loneliness here and how to help tackle the problem.

  6. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    per cent of 6 people targeted by a potential scam (of any type) reported it via an official channel.11 The Government needs to continue to invest in raising awareness of Action Fraud. Further, some people ... cooling-off period would, in the right form, at least be more effective than discharge forms. Any window of opportunity for a consumer to row back from making a disastrous transfer or payment must be a

  7. Abbey_Dash_Notice_2017_S16A_Notice.pdf

    Willow Road - Kirkstall Road to Burley Road. 10. Kirkstall Road – West Street to commercial Road. 11. Commercial Road – Kirkstall Road to Abbey Road. 12. Bridge Road – Commercial Road to Savins Mill Way ... to Queen St. 10. Duncan Street (Bus Only) – Eastbound between Duncan Street and New Market Street. 11. The Headrow (Restricted Access) Northbound between Briggate and Albion Street. Dated this day of

  8. FS41w.pdf

    (and, where relevant, also an assessment for their carer) 10 3.3 Eligibility criteria 11 3.4 Provision of care and/or support services 12 3.5 The means test 12 3.6 The care and support plan ... continuation, reduction or withdrawal of assistance 40 11 How and where will the care services be provided? 41 11.1 Care or support services in your own home

  9. Finding and moving into a care home

    Finding the right care home for you or your loved one can be a tricky issue. We take you through the steps, and share our care home checklist.

  10. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    the worry of the bad state of the garden as they were with the shower and other small adaptations. 10 11 What factors determines the design of new homes? Over the years, there have been huge improvements ... represented £317 million, which helped an estimated 300,000 vulnerable elderly and disabled people18 in 2010/11. We are liable to see more low income older home owners struggle to repair and adapt their homes with

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