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  1. RB_Oct16_Ageing_in_squalor_and_distress_report.pdf

    and distress: older people in the private rented sector Older people who privately rent their homes Age UK, October 2016 Contact: 1 1 ... property. Around 75 per cent of households aged 65+ are owner-occupiers, with most owning their home outright.3 Those owning outright will continue to rise from 32% in 2014 to 35% by 20254 according

  2. FS1w.pdf

    Guarantee’ 14 5.3 UK Government Cost of Living Payments 14 5.4 ‘Warm hubs’ 15 6 The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme 15 6.1 Overview 15 6.2 Eligibility criteria 1: the core Nest scheme – ... forthcoming changes to the Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme 22 6.9 Help if you rent your home from the council or a housing association and are

  3. CRS_Oct14_Housing_standards_review_technical_consultation.pdf

    on the lifetime homes standard), and optional category 3 standard (based on Habinteg’s Wheelchair Housing Design Guide) - but makes no changes to the core standard applied to all homes, Part M of the building ... to the current consultation. Key points and recommendations  All new homes should be required to meet the lifetime homes standard.  There could be long term social and economic costs associated

  4. Age Cymru Activity Cards_cARTrefu_Intro_E.pdf

    cARTrefu is an exciting arts project run by Age Cymru. Since 2015 we’ve been matching Welsh care homes with some of Wales’ most creative artists to give older people access to quality arts activities. ... confidence which inspires creativity Creating an age friendly Wales cARTrefu Staff top tips We asked care home staff around Wales to give us their Top Tips for running creative sessions with their residents. The

  5. CRS_Feb16_Ofgem_final_proposals_priority_services_register.pdf

    specific disability but who live with frailty; live in isolated locations on their own; live in park homes.  We support moves towards better data-sharing between energy companies, to ensure vulnerable ... frailty, i.e. with very low physical resilience; live in isolated locations on their own; live in park homes. Q2: Do you agree with our final proposals for amending the PSR services and the associated proposed

  6. Take Action Today-Poster English.pdf

    opportunities Stay Safe Is your home safe and warm and does it help you manage well? • Contact Care & Repair on 0300 111 3333 for free help and support to adapt your home

  7. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    “Like many other organisations we have switched our operations so that our teams are working from home and we’ve had to postpone many of the activities and events we had planned. Our priority is to reach ... fit to Harry Potter, and quizzes to cookery. Anyone can join - just ask to join the PPF Moving on At Home Facebook page and all the instructions are on there. North Wales Advocacy Service - Ellen Williams

  8. RB_Mar2014_ fear_of_Crime.pdf

    susceptible to fear of crime  Fear of crime is associated with reduced social networking outside the home  Fear of crime is associated with depression, poor self-reported health and low quality of life WHICH ... large variations in reported fear of crime: 49% of older people in South Africa felt unsafe alone at home, compared to only 3% in China. Older women and poor older people are consistently more afraid of

  9. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    prescriptions or medication.  Poor health and susceptibility to health hazards, such as sewage in the home during a flood.  Experiencing cognitive decline or dementia, leading to confusion and difficulty ... gas/electricity  Living in a bungalow or park home, with no second floor to escape move possessions to.  Low income, no savings or financial safety net, no home/flood insurance cover. Older people are

  10. Board of Trustees

    health and social care. He also undertook extensive research on older prisoners, the design of care homes, international law and ageing, and domestic abuse and older people. In addition, the professor advised ... member of the Commissioner for Older People Northern Ireland’s statutory review of Dunmurry Care Home and its treatment of older people. Deputy Chair - Diane Hughes Diane retired in 2018 from her post

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