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  1. English Manifesto.pdf

    clean and accessible public toilets. Provide vital public and community transport services to help keep older people independent, linking up communities and making sure older people can get to the facilities

  2. Response on social care practice guidance - November 2018.pdf

    cognitive impairment and because they are specifically targeted. We want to help create barriers that keep scams away from people. This will not be easy and we believe working in partnership is essential so

  3. Being a friend.pdf

    socially distancing. • Provide ideas of things that people can do that don’t involve going out, to keep them emotionally and physically well. • Put people in touch with support groups, and other useful

  4. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    provide light touch reporting on the activities undertaken and the outcomes achieved. We are keen to keep these processes as simple and straightforward as possible. We would support proposals from local

  5. RB_Summer13_Economic_Monitor_Report.pdf

    and services continue to rise. for example the cost of energy, a key expense for many older people, keeps increasing well above the rate of inflation. Many older people experience a ”double whammy “ because ... consistently low at 0.5% since March 2009, and means that interest earned on savings is failing to keep pace with the rising cost of living. Pensioners who rely on interest from savings have experienced

  6. Age Cymru response to Liberty Protection Safeguards consultation July 2022.pdf

    discussions with partners of concerns with the volume of work the current IMCAs are struggling to keep up with. Whilst the new system is intended to improve administration and so reduce unnecessary work

  7. Picking up.pdf

    Remember to wash hands before and after deliveries for at least 20 seconds. 6. When out and about keep a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser to hand. 7. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing

  8. Shopping.pdf

    Remember to wash hands before and after deliveries for at least 20 seconds. 8. When out and about keep a bottle of alcohol hand sanitiser to hand. 9. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing

  9. RB_Feb17_Wellbeing_factors_used_in_model.pdf

    (inverse of deprivation) We created a MATERIAL DEPRIVATION indicator using: holiday, money for self, keep up with bills, house, contents insurance, savings, furniture, and electrical goods. We also created ... good state of repair, Services in working order, Damp-free home, Home kept warm, Has a telephone, Access to a car/taxi, Has warm waterproof coat, and Able to pay unexpected expense Sum (d_matdepa to d_matdepj)

  10. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    that they felt overprotected by staff who were wanting to keep them safe and away from news reports. Facilitator: She told me that the staff keep turning the TV off to shield her from the news. Resident: ... wish they would have told me a little more of what was happening, because I would understand, and I’d keep my mouth shut and I wouldn’t get frustrated then without being fobbed off’ Others told us about finding

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