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  1. EnvisAGE16_ENG_web.pdf

    Therapies treatment referral rates are a clear example of this. There were just 5.5% of referrals in 2021/22 for the over 65 cohort, which is significantly lower than the 18-25 age cohort at 23.5%, and 26-64 ... People’s Commissioner for Wales states that optimism among older people has fallen dramatically since 2021, with cost-of-living pressures, strain on the NHS and lingering anxieties from Covid-19 primarily

  2. Age Cymru – May 2022 - Consultation response - Economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures - The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee.pdf

    changing lives for older people in Wales. Age Cymru | EnvisAGE ( 7 Welsh Government (2021) Plan to tackle fuel poverty. Consultation outcome and integrated impact assessment. https://gov. ... the energy market for a better energy deal, 8Office for National Statistics (2021) Labour market overview, UK: November 2021 Labour market overview, UK - Office for National Statistics ( 9 Centre

  3. 20221214 Climate change engagement - Age Cymru response.pdf

    people that are reliant on cars to access communities and services. 2 BBC news (online) 19 October 2021. Heat pump grants worth £5,000 to replace gas boilers not enough, say critics - BBC News 3 Age Cymru ... and being unemployed during this phase of 5 Office for National Statistics (2021) Labour market overview, UK: November 2021 Labour market overview, UK - Office for National Statistics ( 6 Centre

  4. 17012023 - Duty of Quality - Age Cymru response.pdf

    meet the ambitions set out in A Healthier Wales. The Quality and Safety Framework was published in 2021 as a precursor to the implementation to the Duty of Quality. The guidance demonstrates that these ... Wales. While health boards have a deep understanding of the needs of their local populations, a 2021 report from the Royal College of Physicians highlighted the disparity in healthcare outcomes between

  5. cARTrefu Newsletter January 2020 - Welsh.pdf

    Bydd Cam 3 cARTrefu, prosiect celfyddydau mewn cartrefi gofal Age Cymru, yn parhau tan fis Awst 2021. Mae Cam 3 yn canolbwyntio ar rymuso staff cartrefi gofal i wella amrywiaeth ac ansawdd y ddarpariaeth ... gofal, cynlluniau gweithgareddau a gweithdai artistiaid yn rhad ac am ddim ledled Cymru tan fis Awst 2021. Os ydych yn rheolwr cartref gofal, yn gydlynydd gweithgareddau neu’n aelod staff mewn cartref gofal

  6. Age Cymru Carers report draft01 CYMRAEG (1).pdf

    Cymru yn ei hymateb. Fe wnaeth y pwyllgor ail-ystyried hyn yn ei adroddiad, a gyhoeddwyd ym Mawrth 2021, ar effaith y pandemig ar ofalwyr di-dâl, gan amlygu’r heriau ychwanegol sy’n wynebu gofalwyr o ganlyniad ... mis Mawrth 2021, gyda chynllun cyflawni i ddilyn yn yr hydref. 6 Am y Tro Crynodeb o ganfyddiadau gan ofalwyr hŷn Proffil ymatebwyr Roedd yr arolwg yn fyw rhwng Tachwedd 2020 a Mawrth 2021, a derbyniodd

  7. Age Cymru Carers report draft03 (1).pdf

    Welsh Government in their response. The committee revisited this in their report, published March 2021 on the impact of the pandemic on unpaid carers, highlighting the additional challenges facing carers ... in March 2021 with a delivery plan to follow in the autumn. 6 For the Moment Summary of findings from older carers Profile of respondents The survey was live between November 2020 and March 2021, it received

  8. Age Cymru Carers report - English.pdf

    Welsh Government in their response. The committee revisited this in their report, published March 2021 on the impact of the pandemic on unpaid carers, highlighting the additional challenges facing carers ... in March 2021 with a delivery plan to follow in the autumn. 6 For the Moment Summary of findings from older carers Profile of respondents The survey was live between November 2020 and March 2021, it received

  9. Age Cymru Carers report - Welsh.pdf

    Cymru yn ei hymateb. Fe wnaeth y pwyllgor ail-ystyried hyn yn ei adroddiad, a gyhoeddwyd ym Mawrth 2021, ar effaith y pandemig ar ofalwyr di-dâl, gan amlygu’r heriau ychwanegol sy’n wynebu gofalwyr o ganlyniad ... mis Mawrth 2021, gyda chynllun cyflawni i ddilyn yn yr hydref. 6 Am y Tro Crynodeb o ganfyddiadau gan ofalwyr hŷn Proffil ymatebwyr Roedd yr arolwg yn fyw rhwng Tachwedd 2020 a Mawrth 2021, a derbyniodd

  10. Age Cymru - Report on the current experiences of people aged 50 or over across Wales of the Covid-19 pandemic and views on the year ahead - June 2022.pdf

    that we’ve undertaken during the pandemic, the first was in Summer 2020, and the second was in Spring 2021. 1169 older people told us their views by completing our survey online, in hard copy or by telephone ... 100 and 40% of respondents are over the age of 70 which is 14% more than the previous research in 2021. 4% of respondents identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual and 8% of respondents describe their ethnicity

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