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  1. RB_Nov15_Financial_Abuse_Evidence_Review.pdf

    you to sign over your house or property.  Taking money, cashing a cheque or using credit or debit cards without your permission.  Pressurising you into changing a will.  Someone else taking charge of ... a will, has someone make a Power of Attorney (POA), takes out new financial products (e.g. credit cards), etc.281  A Scottish report recommends identification of ‘at risk’ individuals and screening proposed

  2. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2015_2016.pdf

    and care homes. The most public of this year’s successes was our ‘No one should have no one at Christmas’ awarenessraising initiative and partnership with John Lewis on their ‘Man on the moon’ campaign ... attention of many, in large part thanks to our partnership with John Lewis’ ‘Man on the moon’ Christmas TV campaign. Over 57,000 people signed our petition which called on the Government to tackle loneliness

  3. RB_Dec14_Dashboards_and_jam_jars_pension_pots_and_retirement_income.pdf

    1 in 6 of those planning to retire in 2014 will have debts. The main sources of debts are credit cards (56% of those with debt) and mortgages (44%), followed by overdrafts (19%) and bank loans (14%).xix ... during their retirement in the near future Unsecured debt Unsecured debt includes overdrafts, credit cards and personal loans. Interest on these types of loans range from 5% for large personal loans to 19

  4. IG44.pdf

    In Wales, people aged 60 or over and disabled people are entitled to a free Concessionary Travel Card for free travel on local buses at any time of the day anywhere in Wales. If you’re disabled and need ... mobility centre. Tel: 028 9029 7880. Disabled Persons Railcard. Discount card for train travel for eligible people who have epilepsy, visual or hearing impairments, or receive

  5. FS87.pdf

    Council Tax Reduction guides. 9.6 Other benefits If you qualify for PIP, you qualify for a £10 Christmas bonus. If awarded eight points or more under mobility activity 2 ‘moving around’ or 10 points specifically

  6. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Fraud_and_Scams.pdf

    doubles the total crime figures.  The majority of fraud incidents (2.5m) relate to bank and credit card fraud. The majority of computer misuse incidents (1.4m) relate to computer viruses.  However under-reporting ... threatening phone calls by the print firm demanding she pay for the advert there and then by debit card. Despite not agreeing to take out the advert, the company claimed to have a recording of the call

  7. IG57.pdf

    struggling to pay your household bills or paying them with credit • relying on your overdraft or credit card to get by • missing credit repayments • hiding your spending habits from your family • avoiding ... Services rates (in Northern Ireland only). Non-priority bills can include water, catalogue debts, credit card debts, unsecured personal loans and money borrowed from friends and family. 9 It’s also a good idea

  8. Newsletter Winter Warmth 2020 web.pdf

    long dark winter nights by having a friendly chat on the telephone, or posting a ‘thinking of you’ card through their letter box.

  9. WWU - English.pdf

    65°F/18°C. Contact your local Age Cymru or visit your nearest Age Cymru retail shop for a free thermometer card. You can use it in your living room (ideal temperature 70°F/21°C) and in your bedroom (ideal temperature ... must be serviced by a Gas Safe registered engineer – ask to see their Gas Safe ID card, or note down their licence card number. Visit the Gas Safe Register website or call the free helpline to find out

  10. RB_March14_Toynbee_Hall_Later_older_age.pdf

    12_final.pdf become creative and find our own solutions; we give other people our PIN number and card to withdraw cash for us when we are immobile, and we sign a blank cheque if that gives us the flexibility

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