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  1. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    15 10 5 0 Ffynhonnell: Dadansoddiad y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol o’r Arolwg o’r Llafurlu ... Industrial Strategy. Views on the ageing society: survey of older people [Internet]. UK Government; 2018. Available from:

  2. Age Cymru EnvisAGE No 11 Cym.pdf

    European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: Age-Friendly World: The European Covenant on Demographic Change: http://afeinnovnet ... 002 Cyfeiriadau a rhagor o wybodaeth 33 Wahl, H-W. and Oswald, F. (2010). Environmental Perspectives on Ageing in D. Dannefer and C. Phillipson (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Gerontology, Sage, London

  3. Bysiau - gwasanaeth allweddol i bobl hyn.pdf

    7 WRVS (2011) Voices on Well-being: a report of research with older people. Ar gael yn: _wellbeing_report.pdf ... Ymchwil Cerdyn Bws Rhatach. 9 WRVS (2013) Going nowhere fast: Impact of inaccessible public transport on wellbeing and social connectedness of older people in Wales. Ar gael yn: http://www.royalvoluntaryservice

  4. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    lawrlwytho o’r wefan hon: ( socialcareworkforce/2020/12/10/toolkit-for-reflection-on-human-rights-in-the-context-ofsocial-care.) Maent hefyd wedi cynhyrchu gweithgaredd myfyriol y gallwch ... canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn. Mae’r egwyddorion allweddol hyn yn cael eu benthyg o’r ddogfen ‘Getting In On The Act’, a ddatblygwyd gan Age Cymru, mewn partneriaeth ag Anabledd Cymru, Prifysgol Abertawe a’r

  5. Tell Me More report (Welsh).pdf

    astud a rhoi rhywbeth ohonoch chi eich hun. Gwirfoddolwyr Bydd gwirfoddolwyr yn chwarae rôl ganolog yn cefnogi cartrefi gofal

  6. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    glywadwy, gweladwy neu sy’n dirgrynu. Am fwy o wybodaeth am hyn, cysylltwch â Chyngor Age Cymru neu Action on Hearing Loss Cymru (gweler sefydliadau defnyddiol ar tudalen 21). Gwnewch bob dydd Mawrth yn ‘Ddydd ... Yn yr Alban, cysylltwch â Age Scotland: 0800 124 4222 Action on Hearing Loss Yr elusen fwyaf yng Nghymru sy’n taclo colled clyw. Llinell gymorth ddi-dâl: 0808 808

  7. Diogelu pobl hŷn - Mai 2021.pdf

    a chael hyfforddiant priodol i allu 44 CPS (2019) Policy guidance on the prosecution of crimes against older people Policy guidance on the prosecution of crimes against older people | The Crown Prosecution

  8. Age Cymru - Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    Rebalancing Social Care: A report on Adult Services 20-rebalancing-social-care-a-report-on-adult-services iv) https://www ... ymru/documents/covid-19-survey/agecymru --report-on-the-current-experiences-of-people-aged-50-or-over-across-wales-ofthe-covid19-pandemic-and-views-on-the-year-ahead---june-2022.p Pam rydyn ni’n aros?

  9. Pam rydyn ni’n aros - Oedi mewn gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru - Awst 2022.pdf

    Rebalancing Social Care: A report on Adult Services 20-rebalancing-social-care-a-report-on-adult-services iv) https://www ... ymru/documents/covid-19-survey/agecymru --report-on-the-current-experiences-of-people-aged-50-or-over-across-wales-ofthe-covid19-pandemic-and-views-on-the-year-ahead---june-2022.p Pam rydyn ni’n aros?

  10. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    mai Cymru fyddai’r wlad gyntaf yn Ewrop sy’n wirioneddol gyfeillgar i oedran. P r i f n e g e s e u on Age C y m r u Cydraddoldeb 6 Nod 1: Cydraddoldeb, hawliau a chyfranogiad Pam mae hyn yn bwysig Mae ... Nghymru. 18 Alzheimer’s Society and Alzheimer Scotland (2012) Mapping the Dementia Gap 2011: Progress on improving diagnosis of dementia 2010-2011. 19 Llywodraeth Cymru (2012), Arolwg Iechyd Cymru 2011, Ystadegau

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