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  1. Draft Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Strategy 2024- 2034.pdf

    reasons for your answer to question 4? Existing data on suicide and self-harm in Wales (and the UK more widely) is limited. While the ONS maintains data on registered suicides, this information only

  2. Referral Form - Final.doc

  3. Take action 09023.pdf

    Falling over isn’t an inevitable part of ageing Did you know that many of us start to feel a bit unsteady on our feet or worry about falling. But there are simple things we can do to help avoid a slip or fall. Take action today What Ask Act now

  4. Volunteer interest form - CIAC.doc

  5. Age positive pop up cinema poster - FINAL.pdf

    Celebrate Age Positive Week Join us for our Pop-up cinema

  6. RB_April17_Information_about_different_Research_Methods.xlsx

  7. Gateway - Drawing with nature words (1) - website.pdf

  8. Age Cymru Social Care Workforce Consultation October 2021.pdf

    1 Age Cymru consultation response – Health and Social Care workforce October 2021 Age Cymru welcomes the development of the workforce strategy for health and social care. This, along with other linked developments should help increase the number of staff recruited to work in this field, improve wellbeing, and help retain others who may otherwise leave their chosen profession in the longer

  9. Age Cymru Carers report draft01 CYMRAEG (1).pdf

    â ni gan ddefnyddio’r wybodaeth gysylltu ganlynol. Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Age Cymru Facebook @Age Cymru Twitter @agecymru Ymddiriedolaeth Gofalwyr Cymru Twitter @carerstrustwal

  10. Ideas for Activities Bilingual 2018.pdf

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