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  1. Care Home Visiting profile - Welsh.pdf

    1 Gwirfoddolwr Cefnogi Ymwelwyr Cartrefi Gofal Age Cymru Mae hon yn rôl gyffrous, newydd sydd wedi'i datblygu i helpu cartrefi gofal i groesawu ymwelwyr yn unol â rheolau Covid-19. Ar ôl blwyddyn o gyfyngiadau mawrion o ran ymweld â chartrefi gofal oherwydd cyfyngiadau Covid-19, gwyddom fod cyfeillion a / neu deulu yn awyddus i allu dychwelyd i ymweld â'u hanwyliaid. Bydd y swydd wirfoddol hon

  2. Advocacy Services in Blaenau Gwent.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Blaenau Gwent In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below. Dementia Children Care Home Are they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for

  3. Advocacy Services in Neath Port Talbot.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Neath Port Talbot In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below. Dementia Children Deaf People Are they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving

  4. Advocacy Services in Powys.pdf

    O ption 1 O ption 2 In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below. Advocacy Services in Powys Children Learning Disabilities Are they detained under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving assessment or

  5. Advocacy Services in Swansea.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 Advocacy Services in Swansea In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below. Dementia Children Deaf People Are they sectioned under the mental health act, under guardianship or subject to a community treatment order or in hospital informally receiving treatment for

  6. Advocacy Services in Wrexham.pdf

    Option 1 Option 2 In addition to the services above, the MCA, MHA and SSWB Acts set out statutory rights to advocacy. If they apply, you may also choose from the services below. Advocacy Services in Wrexham Mental Health Carer Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment, review, or safeguarding ? If so they have a statutory right to an

  7. Housing Adaptations Service Standards - December 2018.pdf

    1 Consultation response Housing Adaptations Service Standards Welsh Government December 2018 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales. We believe older people should be able to lead healthy and fulfilled lives, have adequate income, access to high quality services and the opportunity to shape their own future. We seek to

  8. 5 FAQ for Care home volunteers.pdf

    FAQ for Care Home Volunteers 1. Do I need to have had both Covid-19 Vaccinations? Check with the care home for their policy on vaccination requirement. 2. Will I need to take a Covid test and wear PPE? The care home manager will advise you on their current regulations for Covid testing and PPE. You must let the care home manager know if you have symptoms of Covid infection. Do not attend the

  9. RB_April17_Guidance--Sample_Size_Estimation_for_Qualitative_Methods.pdf

    Vinal K Karania Page 1 of 2 April 2017 Guidance – Sample Size for Qualitative Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of qualitative research methods is to look for meaning (i.e. to understand the why and how behind things). It is therefore about developing richness in data based on an in-depth understanding

  10. Technology_Together_Pilot_Evaluation_Outcome_Impact_Map.pdf

    Author: Kirsty Gaskell-Sinclair & Vinal K Karania (Age UK) (2013) TECHNOLOGY TOGETHER PILOT – OUTCOME AND IMPACT MAP CONTEXT ACTIVITY OUTPUTS IMPACTS INTEMEDIATE OUTCOMES Older people:  5.2 million people aged 65+ in the UK have never used the internet  36% of people aged 65 and over in the UK feel out of touch with the

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