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  1. big-knit-pattern---intermediate.pdf

    pat yourself on the back. 1. Relax in your favourite armchair. 2. This time you need two colours. Using your main colour double knitting yarn and some small needles, cast on 28 stitches. 3. Knit 2 rows

  2. Winter_Warmth_Impact_Report.pdf

    exposure to cold and the potentially devastating effects on their health. vii Excess winter deaths are an important public health issue in the UK. The Public Health Outcomes Frameworkviii proposed reducing ... identified 76,454 pieces of energy efficiency equipment installed savings made in fuel bills per year, an average of £56 per household3 £920,227 extra benefits identified per client2 £2,659.80 ‘I was relieved

  3. CRS_May17_Provision_support_adult_carers.pdf

    guideline on the provision of support for adult carers and the opportunity to comment on it. There are an estimated 2.75 million older people in England who need some form of help and support, the vast majority ... and Economic Research and NatCen Social Research, Understanding Society: Waves 1-5, 2009-2014). Being an older carer can bring additional challenges. Nearly two thirds of older carers have a health condition

  4. RB_Dec14_What_next_for_generation_R.pdf

    families with a very low standard of living, or for some, in poverty. Savings products that provide an incentive to save for lower income families (such as the now extinct Savings Gateway) are much needed ... debt, including mortgage debt, are likely to be particularly vulnerable to rising interest rates. An inability to save compounds another growing issue for low to middle income families: the frustrated

  5. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    alleviate loneliness among ‘the elderly’ at Christmas? Yet... such campaigns inadvertently encourages us to see them almost exclusively through the prism of vulnerability.’ Yn holl bwysig, mae’r clybiau yn ... Cyffredinol ar gyfer Heneiddio a Hygyrchedd, IBM Research Sheila Zinck, Rheolwr Rhaglen Eirioli ac Amlygrwydd, IBM Research Heather Fraser, Arweinydd Cyffredinol ar gyfer Gofal

  6. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf

    symudol Gallwch wirio negeseuon e-bost, siopa a bancio ar-lein neu archwilio'r rhyngrwyd ar lechi (e.e. iPad) a ffonau clyfar, felly mae angen eu gwarchod hefyd. Dechreuwch drwy ddiogelu unrhyw ddyfeisiau gyda ... sgrin gyffwrdd a all gysylltu â'r rhyngrwyd a'i defnyddio fel cyfrifiadur symudadwy. Er enghraifft, iPad.  Firysau - Rhaglenni sy'n lledaenu o un cyfrifiadur i un arall dros e-bost neu drwy wefannau maleisus

  7. Cooling down.pdf

    here and should be done at a slower pace. Stretches for the main muscles shown should be included using the following guidelines:  Take the stretch to the point of mild tension only  Avoid bouncing or

  8. Conversation resource - Welsh.pdf

    bod chi’n talu sylw. Mae’n un ffordd o rannu bwriad Sut Wyt Ti? Creating an age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Creating an age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar ac emosiwn, ac mae’n mynnu ... yn oed os yw hynny weithiau’n boenus. “Prin gall ymateb wella, cysylltu sydd yn gwella.” 5 Creating an age friendly Wales Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Mae’r Fframwaith Synhwyrau6 a gofal sy’n canolbwyntio

  9. Human Rights Toolkits WELSH V1.pdf

    Hawliau Dynol Prydain. A yw’r mater hwn yn ymwneud â hawliau dynol? Cynllun Cyflawni Llywodraeth Cymru ar gyfer y Strategaeth ar gyfer Cymdeithas ... Cymdeithas sy’n Heneiddio

  10. Age Cymru

    Age Cymru is the largest charity working with and for older people in Wales. Our vision is a society which offers all people in Wales the best experience of later life.

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