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  1. Which exercise might suit you?

    online that demonstrate chair-based exercises. If you’re physically able, but find yourself sitting in front of the computer or television for hours at a time, try to break it up and build activity into ... such as Parkinson’s, arthritis or osteoporosis, always consult your GP for help in choosing the right exercise for you. They may be able to suggest suitable activities and may know

  2. How are we doing?

    We welcome your comments. Age Cymru's vision is a society which offers all people in Wales the best experience of later life. Older people are valued, included and able to shape decisions affecting

  3. Physical abuse

    patterns or reflecting the shape of an article Burns, especially on soles, palms or back; from immersion in hot water, friction burns, rope or electric appliance burns Multiple fractures Lacerations or abrasions

  4. The Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount

    £100 and £300 to help pay your heating bills, dependent on your age and if other people in your household also qualify . You usually get a Winter Fuel Payment automatically if you get the State ... each year as long as your circumstances don’t change. Our factsheet, Help with heating costs in Wales,  has further information on the Winter Fuel Payment. The Warm Home Discount is a one-off

  5. Walk and Talk Befriender

    regular exercise but feel nervous going out by themselves. Our trained volunteers will walk with you in your local area. We hope older people will enjoy going outdoors with us, especially if they have a

  6. Forum Resource Manual

    Older people’s forums can influence a wide range of issues in their communities. We are encouraging older people to develop forums as a way to share views, develop local agendas and shape how communities

  7. Advance care planning

    and place where you won't be disturbed or rushed   Don't worry about trying to cover everything in one conversation   Consider writing notes beforehand about what you want to discuss to ensure ... dementia. It allows you to say if you want to refuse some parts of medical treatment in the future. Putting advance decisions in place helps make sure your loved ones know what to do if you can’t tell them

  8. How your benefits are means-tested

    how much money you receive will depend on your income and how much capital you have. The information in this section only applies to people over State Pension age. The means-tested benefits are:  Pension ... taken into account. Capital includes savings and investments. Examples of capital taken into account in means tests include: cash stocks and shares a share of any savings you own jointly with other people

  9. Information for carers (if you help a relative or friend)

    cook their dinner. visit a relative who lives far away once a month to see how they’re doing. move in with someone to help them recuperate after a major operation. If you care for someone, you can contact ... equipment to help you in your caring role. Further information can be found within our factsheet: Factsheet 41w: Social care assessments for older people with care needs in Wales The factsheet 

  10. IG05.pdf

    or publications in this information guide does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by Age UK or any of its subsidiary companies or charities. Information written with you in mind. This information ... Published: July 2023. We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by joining our Readers’ Panel. You don’t need any specialist knowledge at all.

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