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  1. CRS_Jan15_Draft_Flood_Risk_Management_Plans.pdf

    parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. ... Plans, which have been developed by the Environment Agency, the statutory body with responsibility for managing flood risks, in partnership with Lead Local Flood Authorities. Age UK welcomes the opportunity

  2. Survey v5.docx

    ill-health or disability, or issues related to growingolder?Yes  NoIf you answered No, the survey is not for you at this time, thank you. If you would like further information or support please see the contacts ...  No  Don’t Know Advocacy for carers  Yes  No  Don’t Know A carers needs assessment (also known as a ‘What Matters’ conversation)  Yes  No  Don’t Know Respite break for you (via social services)

  3. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    can also let us know if you want to get involved in our campaigns to make change for older people across Wales. Thank you for your support in completing this survey. A. Communication A1. How do you prefer ... Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 50+ 2 A2.c. What do you use the internet for? (Select any that apply) e Contacting friends/family e Finding out information e Work e Social media

  4. Current Welsh Government guidance.pdf

    COVID-19. The three main areas for the public cover: • Self-isolating (for households with possible or proven coronavirus infection) • Social distancing (for everyone) • Shielding (for people identified by the ... as follows: Guidance: Self-isolating (for households with possible or proven coronavirus infection) The Welsh Government advises that this guidance is intended for: • “people with symptoms that may be caused

  5. Print ready What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    can also let us know if you want to get involved in our campaigns to make change for older people across Wales. Thank you for your support in completing this survey. A. Communication A1. How do you prefer ... 2024 v6.indd 1 27/02/2024 11:33:36 27/02/2024 11:33:36 2 A2.c. What do you use the internet for? (Select any that apply) e Contacting friends/family e Finding out information e Work e Social media

  6. Advocacy newsletters

    and news all about advocacy. If you would like to have an article or piece of information considered for inclusion in a future issue, please email the team   Advocacy Newsletter - October 2023 Advocacy

  7. What pension options do I have?

    pension pot is the total amount of pension contributions you and/or your employer have made to save for your retirement. Your pot also includes any capital growth earned from the fund’s investments, depending ... pension contributions into multiple pension pots then you’ll need to contact each fund separately for a statement. You must have reached a certain minimum pension age set by your pension fund provider

  8. Problems with a care home

    topic may be helpful: Factsheet 78w: Safeguarding older people in Wales from abuse and neglect For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  9. Become a corporate partner

    whilst, at the same time, helping Age Cymru ensure that the information, advice and support is there for older people across Wales.  Our corporate partners Due to the kind generosity of our corporate

  10. RB_Feb17_Wellbeing_factors_used_in_model.pdf

    activities of a general nature. b_sportact cognition Thinking ability We used two indicators for memory and three for intelligence, based on literature c_cgwrd_dv, c_cgwri_dv, c_cgs7ca_dv, c_cgvfc_dv, c_cgna_dv ... resources (inverse of deprivation) We created a MATERIAL DEPRIVATION indicator using: holiday, money for self, keep up with bills, house, contents insurance, savings, furniture, and electrical goods. We also

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