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  1. forum resource manual WELSH v4.pdf

    gweithredu ar eu hun, neu gyda chefnogaeth asiantaethau eraill. Mae fforymau’n medru bodoli ar lefel lleol go iawn, gan gynrychioli ychydig o strydoedd, neu maent yn medru cynrychioli tref neu ddinas. Mewn rhai ... Facebook a Nextdoor lleol gyhoeddi gwybodaeth am eich digwyddiad. Gofynnwch i’ch cynghorwyr lleol a’ch AS hyrwyddo’r digwyddiad ar eu cyfryngau cymdeithasol. Rhestr wirio cyfarfodydd cyhoeddus • Siaradwr(wyr)

  2. CRS_Nov15_Mental_Capacity_and_Deprevation_of_Liberty.pdf

    ‘fit for purpose’ and proposed their replacement. A few days later, a Supreme Court judgment (known as Cheshire West) widened the definition of deprivation of liberty to a considerable extent. The effect ... the public image of the DoLS and the regime has struggled to cope with the increased number of cases. As a result of these events the Government asked the Law Commission to undertake this review of the DoLS

  3. CRS_Aug16_Falls_in_older_people_prevention.pdf

    quality standard on falls prevention among older people, which is due to be published in January 2017. As part of this, stakeholders have been invited to comment on the draft quality standard, including the ... improvement that have been shortlisted (available online here). Age UK welcomes this quality standard as a positive contribution to preventing falls and reducing the fear of falling in later life. Key points

  4. CRS_May17_Provision_support_adult_carers.pdf

    and as part of the development process, stakeholders have been invited to comment on the document that outlines who and what it will cover (available online here). Age UK welcomes this guideline as a positive ... who may also have long-term health needs.  Promoting the empowerment of carers both generally and as contributors and facilitators of shared decision-making with health and care professionals. Age

  5. Random acts of kindness

    act of kindness is a selfless act performed by someone to either help or make a stranger or someone you know smile, for no reason other than to make people happy. We recently asked older people what sort ... with a smile A small gift of garden flowers / veg / homemade cake Call in for a coffee with someone you know is lonely Send someone flowers Volunteer to help an older person Get to know me Loneliness can

  6. HOPE Project external evaluation tender notice June 2020.pdf

    new advocacy Co-production forums  Understand and review the effectiveness of Advocacy Ambassadors as a way of raising awareness of and promoting advocacy  Review and analyse the experiences of the volunteers

  7. Wales advocacy surveys

    advocacy is to redress inequality so that people’s rights are upheld and that they are respected as individuals who are listened to and understood irrespective of who they are or any health condition

  8. CRS_Feb17_NICE_quality_standard_on_Multimorbidity.pdf

    is defined as a state where a person is living with two or more long-term health conditions, at least one of which is physical. This Quality Standard is due to be published in June 2017 and as part of the ... been invited to comment on the draft (available online here). Age UK welcomes this Quality Standard as a positive contribution to supporting older people’s health and wellbeing, many of whom live with multiple

  9. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    gennych hawl i ofyn i gael eu gweld. 4 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf Mae ein canllaw am ddim Save energy, pay less yn cynnig cyngor defnyddiol ac fe gewch wybodaeth fanylach yn Cymorth gyda chostau gwresogi yng ... Am mwy o wybodaeth ar sut i ddeall eich gwresogydd, cysylltwch Age Cymru am ffurflen Save energy, pay less . 15 Yn gynnes dros y gaeaf • Cadwch ffenestr eich ystafell wely ar gau yn ystod y nos pan fydd

  10. General Election 2024

    Implement Section 14 of the Equality Act which would address the dual discrimination many older people face as a result of other protected characteristics Take steps for unpaid carers to have greater protection ... those who find it difficult or impossible to work up until their State Pension Age, for reasons such as ill health and caring responsibilities Improve back-to-work support for older jobseekers Change the

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