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  1. Values and behaviours

    encouragement and acknowledging other peoples’ contributions always considering the impact of our actions on other people valuing other people’s judgement. Determined We take responsibility for, and pride ... attitude being innovative and tenacious in achieving goals learning from our mistakes and building on success seeing change as an opportunity not a problem. Effective We strive to get the best and get

  2. Why partner with us?

    we can change this. Impact, data and stories Our partners receive comprehensive, up to date, data on how their investment is making a difference to the lives of older people across Wales.  Our partners ... sustainable solutions.   Influencing power The quality of our work enables us to lead and advise on national campaigns, networks and alliances.  We produce public policy statements, evidence, reports

  3. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    increasing equality for LGBTQ+ people in Wales. It would be helpful if further detail were included on how actions will be achieved. We welcome the intersectional approach of the plan in recognition of ... consultation details many actions intended to improve lives of LGBTQ+ people in Wales. The actions focus on areas of life where changes are needed, but in looking at all areas this results in a long list. These

  4. WWU - Welsh.pdf

    glywadwy, gweladwy neu sy’n dirgrynu. Am fwy o wybodaeth am hyn, cysylltwch â Chyngor Age Cymru neu Action on Hearing Loss Cymru (gweler sefydliadau defnyddiol ar tudalen 21). Gwnewch bob dydd Mawrth yn ‘Ddydd ... Yn yr Alban, cysylltwch â Age Scotland: 0800 124 4222 Action on Hearing Loss Yr elusen fwyaf yng Nghymru sy’n taclo colled clyw. Llinell gymorth ddi-dâl: 0808 808

  5. Digital Innovation review - November 2018.pdf

    Wales. Digital technology offers opportunities as well as challenges for older people. Perceptions on digital technology in Wales 3. Which parts of the Welsh economy have found it relatively easy to adapt ... least as productive as their younger colleagues. Even in physically demanding situations, for example on a factory production line, a number of studies have found older workers to be just as productive.

  6. Age Cymru Advice

    Cymru Advice can help.  Statement of Service If you want to talk to someone directly, call us on 0300 303 44 98 (charged at a local rate) Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm. You can also email us

  7. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    spend more time in our homes and communities, so our immediate environment has a significant impact on our health, wellbeing and the quality of our lives. Age Friendly Places are essential for our ageing ... communities in 33 countries and a growing number in the UK. In practice, an ‘age friendly’ community is one where local people have decided their priorities to better support people as they age. These can include

  8. Newsletter welsh v4.pdf

    Sgwrs Sut Hwyl wedi bod yn hynod boblogaidd ac rydym wedi gwneud mwy na 14,000 o alwadau i oddeutu 700 o bobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Rydym wrth ein bodd bod ein partneriaid lleol a staff yn Swyddfa’r Comisiynydd

  9. Carson Franklin

    and Tai Chi, opens the door with a few additional topic of conversation. The best buzz is the look on a person’s face at the end of the class. What would you say to someone who is thinking of becoming

  10. Glenys Thomas and Shirley Phillips

    obvious physical, social and mental benefits, the cementing of old friendships and the creation of new ones is probably the main advantage. My confidence and feeling of self worth have been boosted greatly

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