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  1. FS10w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 10w  April 2024 Paying for a permanent care home placement in Wales Factsheet 10w  April 2024 (amended May 2024) ... eligibility for services 14 4.2 Paying for care home placements to meet your eligible care needs – overview 15 5 The ‘capital limit’ and financial means testing for

  2. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers-Welsh FINAL.pdf

    golwg ac iechyd llygaid bob 2 flynedd yn gostwng colli golwg gan 50%. Maeth a Hydradu ... gall lefelau is o Fitamin D ta calsiwm arwain at esgyrn mwy brau a chyhyrau gwannach. Gall peidio yfed digon arwain ... cyntaf. Care & Repair Cymru ffôn: 0300 111 3333 ffôn: 01639 617 333 ffôn: 0300 303 44 98

  3. Gwyn Gwanwyn 2020 Pecyn Gwybodaeth.pdf

    rhwng sefydliadau cenedlaethol allweddol a arweinir gan Age Cymru ac a ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Llywodraeth Cymru; mae’n gweithio’n agos ag ystod eang o sefydliadau cenedlaethol a lleol; mae’n ... cais am £250 (uchafswm o £500). Bydd hyn yn ein galluogi ni i gynorthwyo’r nifer fwyaf o ddigwyddiadau ag y gallwn ni. 2 | Tudalen Mae’r cynllun yn gronfa gystadleuol. Cyfanswm y cyllid sydd ar gael

  4. Advocacy Services in Merthyr Tydfil.pdf

    receiving treatment for their mental health? If so, they have a legal right to an IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they lack capacity ... IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocate) ASC Advocacy Support Cymru 029 2054 0444 Do they have social care needs? If so, do they want support with care and support planning, assessment

  5. Managing your money in Winter

    ease the problem if you find you worry more about money at this time of year. Get your home ready for winter It's cheaper and easier to heat your home if it's well insulated and your heating works properly ... appropriate for you and whether you can access any funding. You may find the following information guide and factsheet useful. Winter Wrapped Up guide FS1w: Help with heating costs in Wales Top tips for a warmer

  6. WASP Banking Protocol and Take 5 slides.pdf

    Banking Protocol Debra Linge - Lloyds Banking Group UK Finance Presentation Title 01 July 2017 BANKING PROTOCOL • The Banking Protocol was developed in response to a significant increase in vulnerable ... vulnerable adults becoming a victim of a scam or fraud. • The Banking Protocol is a partnership between UK financial institutions, law enforcement agencies and victim support and was rolled out in a phased approach

  7. Community Calculator

    key issues for older people. Basic local authority facilities such as public toilets, safe pavements, as well as a voice in local decision making, are areas that need action, according to an Age Cymru survey ... was the key factor for many older people while others said cleanliness, accessibility and limited opening hours were problematic. One respondent said: ‘Closure of public toilets is pushing people out of

  8. Insights_Report-Community_Energy_Programme_Evaluation_Findings.pdf

    Evaluation Findings For more detail please see the Community Energy Programme Evaluation Report, or its accompanying summary, or contact Vinal K Karania at Cold weather has ... has shown to increase the demand on the heath service, and with cold homes in particular, it is believed to be the main reason behind increases in respiratory and circulatory diseases in winter. Older people

  9. FS24w.pdf

    Age Cymru Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 24w  September 2024 Direct payments for social care services in Wales Factsheet 24w  September 2024 ... Practice guidance 6 2.1 Welsh Government Code of Practice documents – guidance for local authorities to follow when conducting social care assessments 7 2.2 Welsh

  10. National Development Framework - March 2017.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Call for Evidence and Projects National Development Framework Welsh Government March 2017 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all ... to provide a strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh Government’s call for Evidence and Projects regarding

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