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  1. cARTrefu Cube Flyer.pdf

    public awareness of creative life in care homes, though the art work that has been created with and inspired by the people living in, working in and visiting care homes. AGECYMRU.ORG.UK/CARTREFU

  2. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf

    neu ar y grisiau achosi i chi faglu.  Cadwch gortynnau a gwifrau yn daclus neu tapiwch nhw yn agos at y wal i'w cadw nhw o'ch ffordd.  Trefnwch eich dodrefn er mwyn ei gwneud hi'n haws i chi symud o gwmpas ... ffoniwch y Gwasanaeth Argyfwng Nwy Cenedlaethol 24 awr ar 0800 111 999. Peidiwch â defnyddio ffôn yn agos at y gollyngiad nwy, gan y gallai achosi fflam a all danio'r nwy. Defnyddiwch ffôn symudol y tu allan

  3. cARTrefu Newsletter September 2018.pdf

    @AgeCymru Ilar and the ‘Ouch’ Comes to Us All by Susan Kingman cARTrefu Activity Packs for care homes still available! And finally ... The Age Friendly Culture Network Age Positive Week

  4. Comments compliments and complaints procedure (2).pdf

    in a friendly and effective way, there are times when things go wrong. Our complaints procedure helps us to deal with the concerns of our users in a consistent way, to identify areas in which new policies ... Operations at the address below marked ‘Confidential’ (except where the complaint directly concerns the Head of Operations, in which case you should write to the Chief Executive of Age Cymru at the same

  5. Newsletter Nov 2020 WELSH v2.pdf

    hŷn Mae canlyniadau ein harolwg manwl o brofiadau pobl hŷn o’r cyfnod clo yng Nghymru wedi tynnu sylw at anawsterau a chaledi difrifol. Cynhaliwyd yr arolwg, a ariannwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, mewn partneriaeth ... pryderon mwyaf, yr hyn a weithiodd yn dda, a sut y mae angen i ni fwrw ymlaen wrth i ni edrych tuag at yr heriau fydd yn dod yn sgil y gaeaf. Cafodd lefelau unigrwydd a theimlo’n ynysig ymhlith pobl hŷn

  6. RB_Feb16_Bus_pass_briefing.pdf

    Service Operators Grant (BSOG), which benefits all passengers by reducing fares and helping to maintaining rural bus services. At the end of 2015, BSOG totaling nearly £230m was protected from cuts by the Comprehensive ... car journeys and support older people who may need to give up driving. A reduction in car journeys helps to reduce congestion and pollution, producing broader social and environmental benefits. 5 - Subsidies

  7. About our Golden Thread Advocacy Programme

    Local Authority services that are delivered and how they are delivered in Wales. It puts people right at the heart of service delivery. It also means that in certain circumstances local authorities must ensure ... opinions, to make decisions about things that affect them, and if necessary to represent people's views at meetings. The Golden Thread Advocacy Programme was funded by Welsh Government for four years (2016

  8. Community Calculator - Welsh.pdf

    hŷn i barhau i fod yn egnïol a mwynhau ansawdd bywyd da. Po uchaf yw’r sgôr, yr agosaf yw’r gymuned at fod yn addas ar gyfer pobl o bob oedran; yr isaf yw’r sgôr, y mwyaf o waith sydd ei angen i’w wneud ... biniau a dodrefn stryd yn cyfyngu ar fynediad cadeiriau olwyn a sgwteri symudedd. Tynnwyd sylw hefyd at broblemau gyda baw cŵn ac ysbwriel. • Rhoddodd 22.9% o ymatebwyr sgôr o dri neu lai i eisteddfeydd

  9. If you develop coronavirus symptons.pdf

    Let the person you’re supporting know as soon as possible that you’re not able to support them for at least two weeks. • Contact the other ‘Friend’ that supports that person. If you’re concerned about

  10. Come and chat to us

    We want to hear about the issues that directly affect you. You can come and chat to us at the following events. September Monday 9 September 11am to 1pm Swansea National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth

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