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  1. Buses - a lifeline for older people

    of reaching essential services, such as hospitals and banks, and how a lack of buses in local areas can leave older people feeling isolated and lonely. Many use buses as their only way of reaching their

  2. Linking policy

    easy-to-use. The website must conform to accessibility guidelines so that people with disabilities can use it. The Digital Editorial team will consult with the relevant internal Age Cymru specialist to

  3. Complaining about NHS services

    If you’re unhappy with the service or care you receive, or feel you have been treated unfairly, you can make a complaint. There is a two-stage system for resolving complaints about the NHS in Wales: Stage

  4. Suggested wording

    your gift to help our vital work. We have provided wordings below for the different types of gift you can leave to Age Cymru: A share of what's left of your estate once you have provided for your loved ones

  5. Age Cymru response to Social Care Wales Draft Equality Plan September 2021.pdf

    anti-discriminatory work in the corporate plan. However, we would welcome further detail on how this can be achieved. We support plans to improve qualitative and quantitative data and evidence collection ... opportunities to direct attention to areas where the need for change and improvement is greatest, and so can have a larger impact on equality objectives. We welcome the inclusion of tackling discrimination on

  6. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_071215.pdf

    developed in conjunction with the University of East Anglia who would be doing a robust evaluation; she gave the example of one participant who when she started wasn’t able to lift her arm higher than the ... additional one to one support if needed. Moira talked about an example of a service user in his 60s who had recently lost his wife and was referred to the programme by his GP. During the conversation it

  7. RB_Sept15_Cost_to_meet_the_unmet_social_care_needs.pdf

    definition of unmet social care need encompasses more than receiving or not help. Even for those people who do, the help they receive may not meet their needs all the time. Because we understand that no-one ... no-one should ever go without meeting these needs, we defined as a person with unmet social care those who do not always receive the help they need to perform the activity or activities they have difficulty

  8. age friendly Wales

    there is sufficient integrated public and community transport throughout Wales to ensure older people can access communities and services Money - no older person in Wales has to live in poverty. Opportunities

  9. Age Matters

    Please click on the newsletter to read on the screen, we'd recommend clicking on Fullscreen. You can also find a version to download directly underneath each newsletter. Age Matters - Summer 2024 edition

  10. The Big Knit

    started. How to join in Choose a pattern - we've some new patterns for this year for you to try. You can download these from below. Knit away - knit in front of the telly, or gather a group of friends and

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