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  1. Fit_As_A_Fiddle_Summary_Reports_(2007-2012).xlsx

  2. Age Cymru MMIYP - Welsh.pdf

    Mwy o arian yn eich poced Hawlio eich budd-daliadau Materion ariannol Pwy ydym ni Age Cymru yw’r elusen genedlaethol ar gyfer pobl hŷn yng Nghymru. Rydyn ni’n gweithio i ddatblygu a darparu newidiadau cadarnhaol gydag ac ar gyfer pobl hŷn. Ynghyd â’n partneriaid lleol: • Rydym yn darparu gwybodaeth a chyngor. • Rydym yn darparu rhaglenni llesiant. • Rydym yn darparu eiriolaeth annibynnol. •

  3. Cyngor Age Cymru - Datganiad Gwasanaeth.docx

    Datganiad Gwasanaeth Cyngor Age Cymru Beth rydyn ni’n ei wneud? Mae Cyngor Age Cymru’n darparu gwasanaeth gwybodaeth a chyngor ar gyfer pobl hŷn, eu gofalwyr a’u teuluoedd yng Nghymru ynglŷn ag amrywiaeth o faterion yn cynnwys: Budd-daliadau lles i bobl hŷn gan gynnwys cyfle i wirio eu hawl i dderbyn budd-dal Iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol Tai, gan gynnwys opsiynau tai, atgyweiriadau ac addasiadau

  4. 2020-2021 Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    campaign, we research and we fundraise to make sure we build a better life for all older people. We ensure older people’s voices are heard, we challenge and change attitudes and we fight discrimination ... provide a range of national and local services and programmes directly to older people in the community and we ensure the highest standards so you can be assured of consistency and quality wherever you see

  5. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf

    cofrestredig. Ewch i'w gwefan i lawrlwytho Electrical safety in the home: A guide for older people and their relatives. 2.5 Diogelu eich drysau a ffenestri Gall rhai rhagolygon syml, sydd rhan amlaf yn

  6. forum resource manual WELSH v4.pdf

    1 Llawlyfr Adnoddau Fforwm 1 Llawlyfr Adnoddau Fforwm Rhan 1 Introduction 2 Rhan 2 Offer defnyddiol 4 Cyn i chi gychwyn… unrhyw beth 4 Cychwyn 7 Rolau a chyfrifoldebau’r pwyllgor 12 Y Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol (GDPR) 24 Siarad yn gyhoeddus yn hyderus 26 Dod o hyd i gyllid 28 Tynnu sylw’r cyfryngau 31 Delio â gwrthdaro 38 Rhan 3 Codi mater effeithiol 41 Sut i ddatblygu ymgyrch 41 Arolygon

  7. Spring 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    People” sydd ar gyfer arbenigwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol; a “Guidance on Understanding Your Care and Support Rights as an Older Person”. 5Y cylchlythyr chwarterol Age Cymru Rhifyn Gwanwyn 2022 Ariannu ... ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru, ac mae'n defnyddio artistiaid proffesiynol i siarad â phreswylwyr, dros Zoom, am agweddau megis eu teimladau, beth roedden nhw'n ei golli fwyaf, a beth roedden nhw'n edrych ymlaen

  8. Defence discount card

    The Defence Discount Service provides discounts both online and on the high street for members of the Armed Forces, Veterans and Armed Forces Community. Defence Discount Service is home of the Defence ... vetted discount card that can be used in stores, restaurants and venues to obtain armed forces discounts. This discount card allows Veterans and the Armed Forces Community to have a card that can allow them

  9. forum resource manual v4.pdf

    Introduction 2 Section 2 Tools of the trade 4 Before you start… anything 4 Getting started 7 Committee roles and responsibilities 12 General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 24 Public speaking with confidence 26 ... conflict 38 Section 3 Effective issue-raising 41 How to develop a campaign 41 Surveys and research 55 Decision makers and issues 58 2 Section 1 Introduction Age Cymru Age Cymru is the national charity for

  10. Campaigner pack - wales.pdf

    ..................................................................... 3 Writing to the Chancellor and your MP .............................................................. 4 Meeting your MP ......... ... virtually no notice and no compensatory measures to protect poor and vulnerable pensioners, is the wrong decision. We’re working alongside Age UK, and our other partner charities Age Scotland and Age Northern

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