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  1. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    yno'n help mawr, credwch chi fi. Apêl Frys yn sgil y Coronafeirws Yn anffodus, o ganlyniad i'r cyfyngiadau presennol rydym wedi gorfod gohirio nifer o'n gweithgareddau codi arian a allai arwain at brinder ... unrhyw un ymuno - yr oll sydd angen i chi ei wneud yw gofyn i ymuno â thudalen Facebook 'Moving on At Home' PPF a chewch yr holl gyfarwyddiadau yno. Gwasanaeth Eiriolaeth Gogledd Cymru - Ellen Williams Mae

  2. Count me In - December 2018.pdf

    these, or the costs of transport, are beyond them. This means that some people barely leave their home, resulting in chronic loneliness and what we increasingly understand to be the severe health impacts ... of improving creative and cultural provision in care homes across Wales. So far, Age Cymru has delivered artistic residencies in over 25% of care homes, not only in those that are privately owned, but also

  3. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack.pdf

    interest in this position. On the following pages you will find information about the Chair’s position at Age Cymru, along with details of the selection process to assist you in completing and tailoring your ... to have an informal discussion about the role / organisation or if you have any other questions to help you decide whether to apply. You can contact me on 029 2043 1555. I will also be able to arrange

  4. If you develop coronavirus symptons.pdf

    Let the person you’re supporting know as soon as possible that you’re not able to support them for at least lk"71. • Contact the other ‘Friend’ that supports that person. If you’re concerned about your

  5. Newsletter Autumn 2021 Welsh.pdf

    Budd-daliadau Tai a help gyda chostau gwresogi. Mae’r arweiniad yn sôn am yr amrywiaeth o gymorth ariannol sydd ar gael i helpu pobl gyda’u lles, yn cynnwys Lwfans Gweini os ydych angen help i aros yn annibynnol ... salwch neu anabledd, a Lwfans Gofalwr os ydych yn gofalu am rywun. Hefyd, mae’r arweiniad yn ymdrin â help gyda chostau iechyd fel triniaeth ddeintyddol, sbectols neu lensys cyffwrdd, a rhyw gymaint o gostau

  6. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    However, the 2008 recession is not the cause of this – it is a longer-term trend. Our analysis looked at both employment rates and average hours worked: Hours worked  This reduction in hours worked demonstrates ... been doing relatively well. It also suggests public policies aimed at improving outcomes for 50+ men have not worked well.  Looking at the hours worked by gender and age group is a first step to better

  7. Age Cymru Advocacy Determining Need flow chart - English and Welsh.pdf

    and registered in England and Wales 6837284. ©Age Cymru 2018 YDI YDI YDI NAC OES NAC YDI Cyfeiriwch at wasanaeth EBA. NAC YDI Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Y broses gwneud penderfyniadau wrth bennu angen am ... Gwnewch addasiadau rhesymol. Cadarnhewch y trefniadau gyda’r unigolyn addas, neu cyfeiriwch yr unigolyn at wasanaethau eiriolaeth addas. Ystyriwch a oes angen EBA yn ogystal. YDI A yw’r unigolyn yn oedolyn

  8. FAW 2019. Take Action Today-Patient table-Wel CV (2).pdf

    bod bron â chwympo ac oes gennych chi ofn cwympo? Siaradwch â’ch meddyg teulu a allai eich cyfeirio at wasanaeth cwympiadau Yn y cartref Ydych chi, wedi ystyried peryglon baglu yn eich cartref? Ydych chi’n ... bwyd o beth ydych yn ei fwyta a phryd. Rhannu unrhyw bryderon gyda’ch meddyg teulu a all eich cyfeirio at ddietegydd os oes angen Anweithgarwch Ydych chi’n treulio’r rhan fwyaf o’r dydd mewn cadair neu’n segur

  9. HOPE Independent Volunteer Advocate role description - final W- updated Dec22.pdf

    hawliadau yn cael eu deall a'u cefnogi  Deall beth sy'n digwydd mewn cyfarfodydd neu apwyntiadau  Paratoi at gyfarfodydd  Lleisio beth sy'n bwysig iddynt mewn cyfarfodydd neu eistedd wrth eu hochr i'w cefnogi ... cynllun gweithredu gyda'r unigolyn sydd eisiau cefnogaeth eiriolaeth, gan weithio gyda'ch gilydd tuag at gyflawni'r canlyniadau a ddymunir  Galluogi'r person i siapio'r cymorth eiriolaeth maen nhw'n dymuno

  10. The Big Step - step planner.docx

    plannerPlease complete your total number of steps or miles covered each day and return your form to us at - ………………………………………………………………………………… Race Number: ……………………………………………………………………

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